Page 99 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Rage like nothing I have ever felt before courses through me. “Shady!” I roar to the ceiling. I want to rip Shady and Tessa limb from limb. My blood boils like white-hot lava in my body. I twist and turn in my seat, trying to work loose the ropes. I feel them rubbing deep, wet grooves in my skin, but that doesn’t stop me. Nothing is going to stop me from getting to Mia, and then to Shady and Tessa, where I’ll give them a slow and painful death.

“Are you okay?” I ask Mia, desperate to know if they’ve hurt her more than I can see.

I feel a tiny bit of relief when she nods, but my anger intensifies. I feel the wetness from the blood coming from my wrists seep down on my fingers. If I can soak my hand enough with my blood, I may be able to slip the rope off my wrists.

I take a quick look around and survey our surroundings. We’re in a small room that has a double bed on one wall and a single dresser to the left of it. There is only one window, and through it, I can see that it’s still dark outside. There are no other furnishings and nothing on the walls. There’s nothing that tells me where we are. We’re sitting smack dab in the middle of the room, right in front of the bed.

“Listen to me, Mia.” She sets her eyes me, and I continue. “I’m going to get us out of here. I promise everything is going to be okay.”

Mia nods again and tries to say something through the tape on her mouth. Of course it comes out as a hum so I can’t understand her.

“I wouldn’t make any promises you can’t keep, Weston,” Shady says from behind Mia as he walks into the room, Tessa coming in after him. There’s a smug and satisfied look on Shady’s face, which makes me even more determined to rip him to shreds.

I flick my eyes to Tessa, who bypasses Mia and comes straight toward me carrying a bottle of water.

“What the fuck are you doing, Tessa? Let us go, now,” I growl at her.

Her lips twist into smile, and she walks behind me. I feel her breath at the back of my neck before the bitch licks up my neck until she reaches my ear. “I’m doing what I’ve wanted to do for years.”

Not really wanting the answer, I ask anyway. “And what’s that?”

“You,” she says simply.

I laugh a humorless laugh and rear my head back, trying to hit her with it and get her the fuck off me. “You’ll never have me, bitch. You think for one second I’ll let you touch me? You’re more fucked in the head than I thought. And what in the hell are you doing, threatening our son? He’s ten years old, for Christ’s sake. Do you care about him at all?”

“That little shit has been a pain in my ass. He was supposed to be my meal ticket to finally getting you back, but he’s been useless,” she says, as she dodges my attempts to knock her teeth out with the back of my head.

A growl erupts from my throat at her words. T has been my whole world. I had thought Tessa felt the same. To know he’s been with a woman who couldn’t care less about him his entire life fills me with an uncontrollablerage.

I hear a whimper in front of me, and my eyes zero in on Shady, who is running his nasty fingers across Mia’s bare collarbone. I yank on my bindings.

The fucking bastard is going to pay for what he’s done to Mia, in the past and right now.

“Don’t fucking touch her, you son of a bitch. I’ll kill you!” I snarl at him.

He looks to me with a smirk. He doesn’t remove his hand from Mia, but he’s stopped running his fingers on her. “I’d watch who you call a son of a bitch, Weston.” Moving his eyes behind me, he speaks to Tessa. “Do it, Tessa.”

Tessa moves from behind me and brings the now open water bottle to my lips.

“Drink,” Tessa says.

Not fucking likely!

“Fuck you!” I say back to her.

“Drink, or you’re not going to like what I do to Mia,” Shady says, still by Mia’s side.

When I look at Mia, she has tears in her eyes. She’s such a strong woman that it nearly breaks me to see her so scared. However, through the fear I still see fire in her eyes. She’s scared, but also extremely pissed. Shady still has his hand on her, and he’s moving it down toward her breast.

“What’s in it?” I ask Shady rather than Tessa, trying to distract him from moving his hand down farther.

His hand doesn’t stop when he replies, “Oh, just a little something that’ll help you play nicely with Tessa.”

Fuck! I should have known!

By now, Shady’s hand has reached Mia’s breast, and he squeezes it hard. I see Mia flinch, and my blood roars in my ears and my vision turns red. My hands clench behind my back, and I strain, trying to free them. My wrists burn like hellfire from the strain I’m putting on them.

“Are you going to drink now, baby?” Tessa says from beside me, and holds the bottle up to my lips.

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