Page 100 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Keeping my eyes on Mia, I wrap my lips around the mouth of the bottle. I watch as tears fall from Mia’s eyes, and she shakes her head rapidly, yanking on her ropes. Tessa tips the bottle back, and I take several mouthfuls. When I try to move my mouth away, Shady demands, “All of it.”

When the bottle is empty, Tessa takes a step away and places the bottle on the dresser.

This is going to destroy Mia, just as much as it’ll destroy me, but I would do anything to protect her from enduring the pain that I know Shady will cause. I’m not under the illusion that Shady won’t hurt Mia now that I’ve drunk whatever fucked-up drink I just did, but I’m hoping it gains us enough time to get the fuck out of here. I need time to think, to formulate a plan.

“Why are you doing this, Tessa?” I ask her. “You’ve got to know I’ll never have anything to do with you, even before this, you knew it would never happen again.”

She runs her nail down my chest, the tip digging in a little harder than necessary. The feel of her claws digging into me grates on my nerves and makes me want to break each of her fingers. I’ve never hit a woman in my life, but for Tessa, I’ll make an exception.

Tessa leans down and gets in my face. “Because I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you in eighth grade, and that little bitch over there had to ruin it for me.” She leans in closer, and I smell the strong scent of her perfume. At my ear, she says, “And I’ll let you in on a little secret that you’ll absolutely love. It never happened the first time.”

With that, she takes a step back, and I jerk my head in her direction, shocked as shit at what she just said. That’s not possible. I don’t remember everything that happened that night, but one thing that’s seared into my head is the touch of her hands on me, and the revulsion I felt once I realized what I had done. A thought quickly occurs to me, and my head reels at the realization that what she says is true.

Fuck, no!

“What the fuck are you trying to pull, Tessa? You know that shit’snot true. T’s my son. You know I got a paternity test done as soon as he was born. No way was I taking your word for it. You know this.”

“I was already four weeks pregnant that night.” Tessa sighs. “As much as I wish I did have you that night, you just couldn’t keep it up. I worked my ass off trying to keep you hard long enough to get you inside of me, but even with the drugs, nothing worked. Just ask Shady, he was there. He’s the one who took all those souvenir pictures for me,” she finishes with a big grin.

I pull my gaze from Tessa and look at Shady. He’s watching our exchange with an evil grin, truly enjoying watching part of my world crashing down. What he has to do with it and why he’s mixed with this is still confusing. Why does he care so much that Tessa just took one of the most important things away from me? He still hasn’t moved back to Mia, so I’ll save that question to ask in a few minutes. There’s still something I don’t understand.

The relief I feel from knowing that Tessa and I never had sex is overshadowed by the fact that T isn’t mine. Or, at least that’s what Tessa is implying. The pain I feel from that revelation rips at my heart. No matter what the outcome is, T will always be my son. He’s been mine for the past ten years and he’ll continue to be mine until the day I die. Nothing and no one changes that.

“How is that possible, Tessa, when the paternity test came back with a 99 percent positive result of T being my son?”

Instead of answering me, she looks back over to Shady.

“While we wait for our little concoction to take effect, why don’t I tell you both a little story?” Shady says, going back to Mia and stepping behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders.

“Hey, fucker, I downed the drink. Take your dirty fucking hands off her.”

Just the thought of his hands on her freezes my blood.

Mia’s gaze is locked on mine, watching me with concern and worry. She heard what Tessa just revealed and knows how much I must be hurting. She’s sitting there tied to a chair, half naked with a sick bastard at her back, and she’s more concerned about howI’m doing. The fear and anger are still there, but overshadowing them is distress.

Shady looks at me such malicious intent in his eyes before he brutally yanks Mia’s head back by her hair. Her cry of pain has me going wild in my chair. I yank, pull, twist, and turn as hard as I can, but the fucking rope it too damn tight. I can feel my arms straining in their sockets, threatening to pop loose. Even with the blood still seeping down my hands, coating them and making them slippery, I can’t get free.

I roar with frustration, beyond enraged that I can’t get to Shady and snap every bone in his body.

“You hurt her again, and I’ll cut off your fucking dick and feed it down your throat, you bastard,” I tell him through a raw throat from screaming so much. I’m panting from all the strain I’ve put on my body, and I try to calm it. I’ve got to stay calm and figure out a way to get Mia out of here.

Shady reaches around Mia with one hand and places it on her throat. “Don’t think for one second that you have the upper hand here.” I watch as he applies pressure and Mia’s face turns red. “Now, are you ready to hear my story?”

Gritting my teeth, I give him a nod.

He instantly releases Mia’s neck and puts his hands back on her shoulders. She slumps forward, trying to catch her breath.

“Hmm… where to begin?” Shady says thoughtfully. “How about… there once was a little boy. A little boy from a family that used to enjoy beating the shit out of him, using the little boy for their own enjoyment. Everyone picked on him at school, because he always wore clothes that were too big for him and smelled like trash. He was a scared and lonely little boy, with no one to talk to. Even the teachers avoided him, not wanting to be around the smelly little kid.”

Shady stops for a few seconds before continuing, this time in first person. “One day, when I was thirteen, I was playing in my parents’ room when I stumbled across a pretty box underneath thebed. Although it often caused me pain, I was a curious little boy, and decided to pull the box out and peek inside.”

The more Shady talks, the harder his eyes become. Bitterness seeps from his voice. I keep an eye on his hands, which are still on Mia, and getting tighter by the second. Mia sits quietly still, but I see her flinch every few seconds. Tessa is by my side, running her hand up and down my back and into my hair. I continuously work my hands behind my back.

I’m starting to feel the effects of the drugs I was forced to drink. My head is getting that all too familiar hazy feeling and my limbs are going weak. It’s different this time though. Something feels off.

Shady interrupts my thoughts when he continues with his fucked-up story.

“What I found inside turned my world upside down. Inside were papers saying that my parents were not really my parents. It was a birth certificate with my name on it. Can you guess who was listed as my mother?”

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