Page 9 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Again, she walks away without writing anything down. I look back at Nick.

“Where you headed this time?” I ask. Nick owns a construction company that has him going all over the place, overseeing the jobs. Sometimes he’ll only be gone a few days, and other times it could be weeks.

He sighs before replying. “Bum-fucked-nowhere, Pennsylvania. Some spoiled-ass rich guy wants to build a resort up in the mountains somewhere. I have to go up there, meet the guy, and go over his designs and shit. Then I have to monitor the initial set-up and recruit guys for the job.”

“Sounds like it’ll bring in good money, though,” I remark.

“Yeah, but I already know this job is going to be a pain. The guy I’m dealing with seems like a real asshole. I need to get out of here, but I’m not looking forward to working with this guy.”

Just then, the door opens and in walk Mia, Bailey, and Chris. All three are laughing as they step through the door. I soak in the sound of Mia’s laughter, not getting the chance to hear it often. All three girls look around for a place to sit. When Mia’s eyes land on me, they lose their mirth and take on the usual glare reserved especially for me.

Mia looks at Bailey and Chris and says something to them quietly. Bailey looks over at where Nick and I are sitting and gives me a look of pity. Fuck. I hate that. Mia walks off to the other end of the diner as the other girls head in our direction. I glance down at my coffee until they’re standing at our table.

I plaster on a fake smile and look up. “How are you ladies this morning?”

Bailey gives me a tender smile before replying, “We’re good. How are you guys?”

“Tired. Didn’t sleep well. Had to haul Shady in last night. Spent the night on the bunk.” I watch a look of disgust enter Bailey’s face. She had a minor run-in with Shady when she firstarrived two years ago. Ever since, she can’t stand the sound of his name.

“Where’s Jaxon and Amari at this morning?” I ask her.

“They’re both at home. He’s watching her today while the girls and I go shopping!” she says happily.

I notice that neither Chris nor Nick say anything. I look at Chris and see her watching Nick with a soft expression. When I look at Nick, he has his head turned toward the window.

“Hi, Nick,” Chris says quietly. He ignores her, as if he didn’t hear her, and continues to keep his gaze out the window. The only telltale sign that proves he did hear her is the tic in his jaw when she spoke.

This Nick is not the one of two years ago. He would have never blatantly ignored a person like that, especially a female. He’s being a dick, and he’s doing it on purpose.

I kick him under the table to tell him to knock it off. He whips his head around and scowls at me, which causes me to chuckle. After a few minutes of giving me the death stare, he lifts his head and aims his scowl at Chris instead.

“Chris,” is the only answer he gives her. He looks over at Bailey, and his gaze softens a bit. “Hey, Bailey. How are you?”

“I’m wonderful. How are you doing?” Her eyes are always haunted when she looks at him. It’s like she’s worried that he’s going to bite her head off at any moment. It’s ridiculous to think that but guilt will do that to a person. Although Lord knows there is nothing she should feel guilty about. I guess it’s human nature for someone to feel guilt after what she and Anna went through.

“Just peachy,” Nick says sarcastically. Bailey flinches at his tone, and I kick him under the table again.

This time he doesn’t let me get away with it. He turns his head toward me and pins me with a murderous look. “Kick me again, asshole, and I’m going to knock your teeth out for you.”

“Stop being a dick.” I glare right back at him. Just because he’s in pain doesn’t give him the right to treat women like shit, and he knows it.

He visibly takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and opening them again. He looks at Bailey with a remorseful look and says quietly, “I’m sorry, Bailey. Just ignore me, okay? I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.”

She reaches over and squeezes his hand with a sad smile. “It’s okay, Nick. I understand.”

He nods and looks down at his coffee. He never looks back at Chris. When I turn to her, she has a defeated look on her face.

After a couple more minutes of idle chitchat, Bailey and Chris walk off to meet Mia on the other side of the diner. She keeps her eyes trained on them while they head toward her, never looking in my direction.

Sighing, I bring my gaze back to Nick and ask, “Why are you such an asshole to Chris?”

“Because the bitch won’t leave me alone. She says she wants to be my ‘friend,’” He says the last on a sneer. His answer surprises me, as he sounds so cold.

“And that’s a problem because?” I ask.

“Because I don’t need any more friends. I have enough people pitying me as it is. It’s fucked and I’m tired of it.”

“Then stop fucking moping around like a lost puppy. And stop treating people like shit. We only want to help you because we all care about you.”

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