Page 10 of Wickedly Betrayed

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The saltshaker Nick was holding suddenly flies across the table and smashes into the napkin holder. I sit still and look at him, not surprised at his outburst. It’s not the first one he’s had and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

He leans across the table at me and says harshly, “I don’t fucking need any help. What I need is for people to leave me the fuck alone.” He gets up and storms toward the door, knocking over a couple of empty chairs that get in his way.

Just then Karyn walks up carrying my and Nick’s food. Her gaze is on Nick’s retreating back as she sets the food down.

“I take it he won’t be needing his breakfast now?” she asks when she swings her gaze back to me.

I give her a wry smile. “No, he won’t. Would you mind bringing me a container to put it in?”

“Sure,” She says, before walking off.

I glance down to where Mia, Bailey, and Chris are sitting and see Mia looking at me. I give her a chin lift, and she looks away.

I dig in to my food and box up Nick’s before paying for both. Looks like Loafer is going to have a good dinner tonight.



Her sweet nature…

GOD! I FUCKING HATE shopping!How in the world did I let Bailey and Chris talk me into this? We’ve been at it for hours. We’re supposed to be picking something out for Bailey to wear for her and Jaxon’s anniversary, but no matter what we find, it’s not good enough. I’m dead on my feet and want to pull my hair out.

I only agreed because Bailey begged me to. I love the damn girl and it’s hard to say no to her when she gets that pathetic pleading look in her eyes. Bailey’s not only wrapped Jaxon around her finger, but everyone she meets gets sucked in. She’s such a sweet girl; you can’t help but love her. No wonder Jaxon fell for her so fast.

This is the fifth shop that we’ve been to. Bailey’s in the dressing room trying on her fiftieth dress, it seems. I’m sitting on one of the soft comfortable chairs sipping my caramel latté, while Chris browses the lingerie section. What seems like an hour later,but could be no more than five minutes, Bailey walks out of the dressing room.

The sip that I was going to take freezes halfway to my mouth.

“Wow,” I say.

Bailey beams a huge smile at me and spins around. “You like?”

“It’s beautiful, Bailey. You’re beautiful,” I tell her, speaking the truth.

What she’s wearing is simple but stunning. It’s a midnight-blue sheath dress that has one side hanging off her shoulder, while the other side rests lightly on her other shoulder. One side of it goes to her knees, the other reaches just past. It also has a cinched waist. It is, quite simply, perfect for Bailey.

Chris steps around the corner and stops dead in her tracks, her jaw dropping open. She shakes her head and rushes over to Bailey.

“Oh my God, Bailey! That’s perfect!” she exclaims loudly.

“You think so?” Bailey asks, and turns to the mirror beside her.

Chris and I both shout, “Yes!” Then chuckle at our timing.

“Seriously, Jaxon is going to flip when he sees you,” I tell her. She smiles at me in the mirror.

“Can we please go now?” I beg.

“I’m sorry for dragging you all over, Mia. I just wanted it to be perfect for my and Jaxon’s one-year anniversary.”

I get up out of my chair and walk to her. I stand beside her in front of the mirror and put my arm around her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it, okay? I just want to stop by Mama’s before I head home,” I tell her. I may hate shopping, but I love spending time with Bailey and Chris. “Has Jaxon told you where he’s taking you yet?”

“No.” She pouts. Jaxon and Bailey both came to me a few weeks ago and asked if I would watch Amari for the weekend of their anniversary. Jaxon’s planned a weekend trip somewhere, and it’s killing Bailey not knowing where it is.

“Well, I’m sure wherever it is you’ll love it.” I give her shoulder a light squeeze before releasing her.

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