Page 87 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“Actually, yes I would,” Andrew answers. “So, tell me, is he as big as I’ve imagined?”

Chris, Bailey, and Karyn burst out laughing. Jaxon has his back turned, but I see his shoulders are shaking. Nick’s lips are twitching.When I look at Mac, he has his head thrown back, looking up at the sky as if trying to control his temper.

I decide to play the game a bit longer and give as good as I get. “Oh, Andrew, he’s so much bigger than you could have ever thought.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Mac says, sending a glare in Andrew’s direction.

“Thank fuck,” Jaxon mutters. “The last thing I want to hear is how big Mac is and what he does with my sister.”

“What?” Andrew whines in his deep voice, which totally contrasts with the whine itself. “We were just getting to the good part. Mia, come see me later and you can give me all the good details.”

“Not happening,” Mac says, coming to stand beside me and putting his arm around my waist.

“You suck, Mac.”

“No, that would be you, Andrew,” Mac deadpans. We all laugh at the two of them.

A little while later, we all sit down on the blankets to eat the hamburgers and hotdogs the guys grilled and have easy conversations. I’ve missed this so much, and I vow to myself that I’ll make sure we all have get-togethers like this more often. Just us adults, and our silly antics.



Her neck…

WEDNESDAY EVENING THE following week, just three days before Mac’s parents are set to arrive, has Mac, Trent, and me sitting in the living room watching Once Upon A Time while eating dinner. Mac and I are on the couch, while Trent has his back to us sitting in front of the coffee table. I bribed them into watching the show with me by promising to make them their favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs.

I’ve finished my plate and have been waiting patiently for the past five minutes for a commercial so I can go grab some more. Did I mention spaghetti is one of my favorites as well?

When a commercial finally comes on, I turn to the guys. “I’m going to get some more. Do either of you need anything while I’m up?”

Trent jumps up off the floor like it just burned him, but I think it’s probably because he’s trying to get out of watching the show,and announces, “I’ll get it for you. I’m done and was going to the kitchen anyway.”

Thinking it’s incredibly sweet of him to offer to make me another plate, I smile at him and hold my plate out. “Thank you, Trent. Not too much, please.”

He walks to me and grabs my plate, all the while avoiding my eyes. He’s once again been acting strange today. Trent’s been fidgety and even more withdrawn than usual. I tried getting him to loosen up earlier and play a video game with me, but nothing’s worked. He comes up with excuse after excuse to stay away from both Mac and me. The only reason he is out in the living room with us now is because Mac forced him.

When he walks away with my plate, I look over at Mac, who is watching him walk away. Trent rounds the corner out of sight and Mac turns his worried eyes to me. I wish I knew the words to make him feel better, but I know there’s nothing I can say. Only Trent can do that. He needs to learn he can come to his dad.

A few minutes later, Trent comes out with a plate of food and hands it to me.

“Thank you, Trent.”

He mumbles a “welcome” and turns to his dad. “Can I go get in the shower?”

We both watch Trent shift from one foot to another before Mac says, “Sure, kid.” But before he can walk away, Mac calls his name

“Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah,” he mutters, before walking off.

Mac sighs and scrapes his hair with his fingers. I set my plate down on the coffee table and scoot over to him. I curl up to his side with my feet tucked in and wrap my arms around his waist.

“I know you’re worried, Mac, but he needs to come to you in his own time. I know it’s hard not to force him to talk to you, but doing that could make it worse. Give him a bit more time, and if he doesn’t, then worry about what to do.”

He leans down and places a kiss on my lips before pulling back. “I just hope it’s the right thing to do, to not sit down with him andmake him talk to me. I hate seeing him so down. He’s acting the complete opposite to what he normally acts. I want my son back.”

“I know, baby.”

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