Page 86 of Wickedly Betrayed

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When we finally reach our peak together, our lips meet on a soft and sweet kiss. I lay my head against his shoulder as we catch our breaths, Mac’s cock still nestled in my body.

After a few minutes, I unwrap my legs from around Mac’s waist and fix my bottoms, while Mac tucks himself back inside. I turn to him so he can retie my top. Once done, I turn back to him.

He pulls me back into his arms and looks deeply in my eyes. “I love you, Pix.”

My heart stutters at his words. Not because I don’t return the feelings or don’t want him to love me. I’m just surprised and so happy to hear them. I never thought I would hear him say those words to me again. I’ve known for a while that I never stoppedloving him. How could I when he’s been everything I’ve ever wanted?

I smile and tell him, “I love you too, Mac.”

He crushes me to his chest at my words. When he pulls back, there is a whole slew of emotions on his face. Relief, elation, and a hint of surprise are just a few.

“I never thought I would hear you say those words to me again,” he says, mirroring my own thoughts.

“I never stopped loving you, Mac. I’m still scared that something is going to come along and mess it all up, but I refuse to let that stop our happiness. I need you in my life, Mac. I never realized how alone I felt until you forced your way back to me.”

“You’ll never have that feeling again. Nothing and no one will separate us again. You’re mine, and I plan to keep you.”

His face is serious, but I still chuckle at his barbaric words.God, I really do love this man.

“We better get back before they send out a search party,” Mac mutters.

We find the ledge on the side of the cliff, and Mac helps me climb up, easily following me. We hold hands and walk in silence back to the others.

When we make it back, Ethan and Karyn are there. Nick is here as well. He looks to be moody, if the expression on his face is any indication. It seems like he has a permanent scowl on his face lately. He’s off to the side, talking to Jaxon and Ethan.

Karyn comes running up to me with a loud squeal.

“Guess what, Mia?” she says, jumping up and down.I take a wild off-the-wall guess just to mess with her. “You’re pregnant.”

The excitement on her face disappears and disappointment replaces it.

“How did you know? You totally ruined my surprise.” She pouts.

Oh shit! I didn’t see that coming.

“Um… I guessed,” I tell her honestly, feeling bad for taking away the good news she was so happy to give. “Shit, Karyn, I didn’t know. But congratulations!”

Mac leans down and kisses my temple, telling me he’s going to go talk with the guys. Bailey and Chris come to join our party of burst bubbles.

I reach over and give Karyn a hug. When I pull back, her big grin is back in place.

“Guess what else?” she asks, and then doesn’t let me answer. “Never mind, I’ll tell you. Don’t want you to ruin this one, as well. Ethan asked me to marry him, and I said yes!” She jumps up and down, laughing. Bailey, Chris, and I watch her with happy grins on our faces. Obviously, Karyn has already told Bailey and Chris while Mac and I were occupied.

“I’m so happy for you both, Karyn! Ethan’s a good man and would make a wonderful father and husband. And you’re just as special, if not more so.” I say the last with a wink at her.

“I know,” she says, and looks over at Ethan, who is trying his best to avoid Andrew. We all laugh at him and his useless attempts. “I’m so glad I moved here and met him, met all of you.”

“We are, too,” Bailey says, hugging Karyn.

Chris steps up, offers her own hug, and says, “I’m so happy for you. You deserve this.”

Our happy moment is shattered when we all hear Andrew yell, “Hey, Mia Pia, how was it having sex with Mac in the hidden alcove?”

“Jesus, fuck, Andrew,” Mac says.

“What?” Andrew asks, as if he didn’t just inform everyone what Mac and I were doing a few minutes ago.

I roll my eyes at Andrew and yell back, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

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