Page 73 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“It did. I haven’t seen him laugh in weeks. Thank you.”

His words break my heart. He loves Trent so much. I can only imagine how much it must hurt him to know his son is going through whatever he’s going through and not be able to do anything to help.

“He’ll be okay, Mac. Just give him space. He’s about the age to start hitting puberty, so that may be a little of what’s bothering him.”

He looks doubtfully back at T. “Yeah, maybe that’s it.”

I take the plates and silverware and set them on the table.

“Hey, T, why don’t you go put the laptop away and wash your hands? Dinner’s almost ready,” Mac says, and puts down a plate of rolls on the table.

Trent gets up, closes his laptop, and carries it out of the kitchen. By the time he comes back, the table is set, and we all sit down to eat. I’m surprised at how good the food tastes. Mac must have picked up his mom’s talent in the kitchen.

“This is really good,” I say, after I swallow my first bite of the beef stroganoff.

“It’s another one of my mom’s recipes.”

“You’ve just become Mr. Betty Crocker, haven’t you?” I tell him, with laughter in my voice.

“Very funny. You know my mom’s big into cooking. She made sure I knew how to care for myself before I left home.”

I take another bite of the delicious food before asking. “Whathappened to your house that you bought?” He’d bought a small house on the edge of town six months before my eighteenth birthday. He didn’t allow me at his house very often. He said the temptation of having me alone was too great.

“I sold it when my parents moved and asked me to stay here. I always loved this house and knew one day it would be mine. I just didn’t think it would be quite so soon.”

We talk for a bit longer about all the things Mac still wants to do to the house. I ask Trent questions, trying to draw him into our conversation so he won’t feel left out. Our talk is easy, and I can feel Trent open up more.

We finish eating, and Mac and I both get up to clean the table. T goes to his room to play more video games. I load the dishwasher while he wipes down the counters and puts away the leftovers. Our movements are in tandem with each other, and it feels like we’ve been doing this for years.

By the time we’re done, it’s time for me to leave, which I’m dreading because I don’t want to leave… ever. I have a strong feeling this is where I belong, with Mac and Trent. I know I’m not Trent’s mother, but the one he has is doing a shitty job and I would love to make up where she lacks.

Mac wraps me in a hug once we get to my car, and I look up at him.

“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious. And thank you for taking me to ride the horses. I’ve really missed riding.”

He tucks a short piece of my hair behind my ear. “Any time you want to go, just let me know.”

I nod and reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him. It’s short and sweet, yet so much more. I swear I could kiss the man like this all day and never get tired of it.

He grips my hips and forces me backwards, but rests his forehead against mine. “You need to go before I take you right here against your car.”

I would definitely not be opposed to that, but we haveto think of Trent. I definitely don’t want to have anything to do with traumatizing him.

Disappointed and filled with sexual frustration, I nod and step back from him. He opens my door, and I get inside. Mac bends down for another brief kiss. “Call me when you get home.”

“Okay,” I tell him. He closes my door, and I start my car and head home.

WHEN I PULL UP TO the house five minutes later, it’s fully dark out. I could have sworn I left my porch light on when I left, but I may be mistaken. That or my damn electricity went out again. One bad thing about living out in the sticks is the electric company taking forever to fix shit. It seems like every other day the damn thing’s down for whatever reason.

I climb the stairs and approach my door. I need to hurry and get ready for work, or I’m going to be late. I open the door to a pitch-black home. Using the tiny light on my key ring, I navigate to my bedroom to change clothes. I grab what I need out of the closet, and walk to the bathroom. Right after I manage to change without breaking my neck, the lights flicker on and I breathe a sigh of relief, surprised it didn’t take longer.

Now that the electricity is on, I can wash my face. After doing that, I walk out of my bathroom and stop dead in my tracks. A shiver of fear races up my spine a split second before pure rage takes over.

I had him first!!is scrawled across my wall in big, bold red letters. She also plastered the entire wall full of pictures. Taking a step closer, I rip one of the pictures from the wall and nearly lose the contents of my stomach. It’s of Tessa and Mac the night of my eighteenth birthday. Mac is sprawled out on the bed with a dazed expression on his face. Tessa is sitting on Mac and has her head thrown back with the look of ecstasy written all over her face. Ilook at a few more pictures and see there are several different ones, but most are copies.

I let my gaze wander around the room, looking for anything else that’s not right. My eyes stop on my dresser where a drawer is pulled open. I walk up to it and see that someone’s paws have been inside. My panties, bras, and lingerie are all in disarray and hanging over the sides.

Why in the fuck would she go through my panties?

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