Page 74 of Wickedly Betrayed

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I crumple the picture up and throw it on the floor. My head is starting to pound from the erratic beat of my heart. I’m so pissed that I start to shake. I know I should probably be scared; after all, she broke into my home and we still don’t know who she’s working with, but I just can’t muster up the fear now.

I yank my phone out of my pocket and speed-dial Mac. He answers on the second ring.

“Hey, baby, you make it home okay?” he asks, by way of answering.

“Can you come over? Tessa left a surprise for me here,” I tell him, barely holding on to my temper.

“Fuck!” he snarls over the phone. I hear mumbling in the background, which is probably Mac talking to Trent. A minute later Mac says, “Are you okay? Is she still there?”

“Yes, I’m fine. She just left me a little reminder. And no, I don’t think she’s still here, but if she is, she’s in for a nice surprise herself.” My voice drips with malice, and I grip the phone tight. I spin in a circle, once again looking at the pictures on the wall. I want to get hold of that bitch before Mac hauls her ass off to jail.

“Okay, go to your room and lock the door. Don’t open it for anyone, you hear me? Me and T are on our way.”

I give laugh bitterly, “Yeah, I won’t be in my room. I’ll be in the kitchen sitting with my pistol on the table.” I move to my closet and use a key on my key ring and open the small safe I have at the top of the closet. I pull out my 9mm pistol and make sure it’s loaded. When we were younger, Jaxon made sure Anna and I bothknew how to shoot a gun. As soon as I was old enough, I bought my own.

“Mia—” Mac starts, but I stop him.

“I’m not hiding from this bitch, Mac. She wants to bring it, then I’ll be ready for her. I’m not the meek little girl I used to be,” I tell him, and mean every word. No way is she going to scare me in my own home. That bitch can suck it.

“Goddamnit, Mia!” Mac yells in a harsh voice. “She could have anyone with her.”

My blood cools a little at the worry I hear in Mac’s voice. “I’ll be okay, Mac. Just get here.”

“Fuck! I’ll be there in just a few minutes. Just stay on the phone with me.”

I nod, then remember he can’t see me so I give him a verbal, “Okay.”

I’m in the kitchen sitting at my table with the pistol in front of me, just like I said, when Mac says over the phone, “I’m here, Pix. Come let me in.”

As soon as I open the door, I’m pulled into Mac’s arms. “Shit, Pix, you had me so damn scared.” He pulls back from me, and I see Trent step up beside him. Mac frames my face with his hands, and my gaze goes back to him. “T, go into the living room,” he says, without breaking eye contact with me. When Trent is in the living room, which Mac still has view of, he asks me quietly, “Tell me what happened.”

“It’s better that I show you.”

He gives a curt nod and turns to close and lock the door. He tells Trent to stay in the living room while I show him the bedroom. When I walk him through the door, his body goes rigid.

“Son of a fucking bitch!” he says, and walks to the wall covered in pictures of him and Tessa together. I see his eyes moving across the wall, taking in the different angles of the shot. His hands ball into fists at his sides, and I can see a visible tic in his jaw. When he reaches the end of the wall, he turns to me and there’s weariness in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Mia.”

I know my face still carries a hard expression, but I try to soften it when I walk up to Mac and place my hands on his chest. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t do this.”

His movements are jerky and unsure when he puts his hand over mine. “Because this is a huge fucking reminder of my fuck-up. And, it’s because of me she’s doing this shit.”

“No, Mac,” I tell him, with a shake of my head. “This is because of Tessa and her sick and twisted obsession. This is all on her. Don’t let her make you feel guilty for something she did.”

He pulls me forward and buries his face in my neck and takes a deep breath. After he pulls back, his face is all business. Sheriff Mac is now present.

“They also went through my dresser drawers,” I tell him.

He moves to the dresser and peers inside without touching anything. Pure hatred reflects in his eyes when he turns back toward me.

“I’m going to make a call and have one of the deputies bring in a fingerprinting kit. Hopefully, something will come up that shows it was her or whoever she’s with. Was your door locked when you came in?”

“Yes, it was locked; all the doors and windows were locked. I have no idea how they got in.”

“Have you been through the rest of the house? Is this the only room that’s been messed with?”


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