Page 53 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Parked right outside the doors is Mac’s truck. When I get out of the chair to go to the passenger’s side, Mac swoops in and picks me up, carrying me the rest of the way.

“Sheriff, put me down. I can get in the truck myself,” I say, and start shoving at his chest.

“Stop moving or I’m going to drop you. I know you can get in yourself, but I want to do it.” With that, he bends slightly and opens the door with the arm that’s around my back. I have to admit it feels nice being in his arms. He puts me down on the seat and closes the door. Through the window, I can hear him thank the orderly. Then he makes his way around and climbs in behind the wheel.

“You alright?” he asks, while he puts the key in the ignition and starts the truck.

Leaning back against the headrest, I turn my head his way. “Yeah, just tired.”

“Rest, I’ll wake you when we get there.”

I nod and close my eyes. It’s not long before the vibration of the truck lulls me to sleep.



Her breasts…

THE DRIVE IS QUIET on the way home. I glance over and see Mia sound asleep. There’s a frown line between her eyes, and I reach over and run my finger over it. She releases a quiet sigh, and the frown line disappears.

I turn my head back to the road and grip the steering wheel tightly, ready to do major damage to the ones who hurt her. If Andrew and the girls had waited just a few more minutes to go look for her, then the damage could have been much worse. It was already bad enough, but if that guy had managed to put his dick in her, then nothing would have held me back from killing him. I want to rage, because we are no closer to finding out who paid the guy to rape her. I make a silent promise to Mia and myself that nothing like that will ever happen again. The first person on my suspect list is Tessa, and she had better hope to God she wasn’t involved. I’ll make her life a living hell before I arrest her. No, it’s not professional, but at this point I don’t give a shit. She may bemy son’s mother, but that won’t stop me from destroying her, by any means necessary.

I drive past Mia’s driveway and head to mine instead. She’s going to be pissed when she realizes she’s spending the night with me, but she’ll have to get over it. No way am I leaving her alone for the night. The drugs may be almost out of her system, but there’s still a chance that she could have a reaction. There’s also the fact that I need to be with her, at least for the night.

I pull into the driveway and turn the truck off. I turn to face Mia and watch her for a few minutes before I wake her. Her normally red-and-black spiky hair lies flat on her head. The perpetual stern face she shows everyone is gone and is replaced with a sweet, innocent look. She tries so hard to keep most people at arm’s length. Her attitude and demeanor usually keep everyone away. Only the people who know her well, and whom she allows in know the true Mia.

I reach over and run my finger down her cheek, while saying quietly so I don’t startle her, “Mia.”

She stirs and opens her eyes. She looks confused for a minute and then sits up and looks around.

“Why are we here?” she asks sleepily.

Preparing myself for the battle, I tell her, “You’re staying here tonight.”

Her eyes fly to mine, and I see stubbornness. She can fight it all she wants. She’s not getting her way in this. “No, I’m not. Take me home, Sheriff, or I’ll call Jaxon to come get me.”

“Actually, you are. You need someone to keep an eye on you. You heard what the doctor said.”

“Okay, that’s fine. I can stay with Jaxon and Bailey.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“Or you can stay here.” I sigh, and shake my head at the determination I see on her face. “Look, Pix, I need you here because I need to be the one to watch over you. It almost broke me seeing you in that hospital bed, and what put you there. Please, don’t fight me on this.Can you give me that?”

She stares at me a few seconds, and I think she’s going to protest further, but then her harsh expression softens. She gives me an understanding smile. “Okay, Mac, I’ll spend one night.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly, and get out of the truck. I walk around and open her door. When I reach in to grab her, she slaps my hand away.

“I’ll stay, only if you let me walk myself. I’m not some weakling that can’t care for herself.”

I grin at her and take a step back. At her wince when she slides across the seat and steps down, I almost ignore her demand to do it herself, but I don’t want to push my luck. She has no choice but to stay, but I don’t want to argue with her the whole time. I already know we’re going to have a heated discussion about me not telling her about her tire.

We walk up the steps and into the house. As soon as the door is open, Loafer comes bounding out of the living room. She only pauses for a split second before throwing her paws up on my stomach for her rub. After, she moves to Mia, who bends down to give her a rub herself. Mia chuckles as Loafer licks her face.

I throw my keys and phone onto the little table by the door and head toward the kitchen, saying over my shoulder, “I need to get her some food. Would you like a drink?”

“Some water would be great,” she says, as she follows me into the kitchen and takes a seat at the bar.

I reach into the fridge for a bottle of water for her and a beer for me. After I pour Loafer her food, I lean back against the counter and regard Mia. She’s watching Loafer eat with a small smile.

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