Page 47 of Wickedly Betrayed

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“It’s not. He needs to find a hobby before my mom kills him.”

It’s my turn next. I put down my beer on the edge of the pool table and line up my shot. I hit the cue ball and then watch the five ball go into the corner pocket. I debate my next shot and then walk around the table. Right before I take the shot, Jaxon talks again.

“So, what’s going on with you and my sister?” Not really surprised by his question, I hit the ball and watch the nine ball go into the side pocket. I stand back up and face Jaxon, who has his eyes glued to me.

“We’re working through things,” I tell him. I know Mia never told him what happened. I don’t know why she didn’t. The only reason I can think is she didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I would have thought she hated me so much that she would have used what I did against me. I shouldn’t have though. Mia may have a temper and portray an ice-cold heart, but she’s not vindictive.

I can see Jaxon think about his next words before he replies to my statement. “She never told me what went down between the two of you, but I know you hurt her somehow. I have my suspicions, but I never confirmed them, not wanting to hurt her more than she already was. I want you to know that the only reason I never came after your ass is because I wasn’t sure, and I know Miawould hate me if I ever did anything to you, whether you deserved it or not.” He stops long enough for another swallow of his beer before continuing, his eyes hard. “But, I’m giving you a warning right now, Sheriff or not, friend or not, if you hurt her again, nothing will stop me from killing you.”

I hold his eyes, not backing down or shying away from him, seeing the truth in his eyes. If I ever hurt Mia, I have no doubt Jaxon will keep his word. Jaxon has always been very passionate about protecting his family. I don’t fault him for that. I’m glad Mia has someone willing to protect her at all costs, especially because I wasn’t there to do it myself. As an officer of the law, it would be within my right and the law to arrest him for threatening me, but I won’t. He’s trying to protect the one he loves, and no one should be punished for that.

“You have nothing to worry about, Jax. Nothing would make me hurt Mia again,” I tell him, being completely honest.

“Good, because she almost didn’t recover last time. If there’s a next time, I know she won’t,” he says. with a hard edge to his voice. I can also see the ghosts lurking there from watching his sister in so much pain.

I give him a curt nod. Jaxon’s words and the slight insight at the pain I caused not only Mia, but Jaxon as well, solidify my resolve to do everything within my power to keep Mia from any pain again, especially from me.

I see Nick standing quietly in the corner watching the two of us talk, probably to make sure our conversation doesn’t escalate. He doesn’t need to worry.

Just then, Jaxon’s phone starts ringing. He pulls it from his pocket and glances at the screen.

“It’s Bailey,” he says, before answering. “Hey, angel, y’all ready?”

It only takes a second before I see Jaxon go stiff. I perk up, not liking his reaction.

“Angel, calm down, baby. Tell me what happened.”

He listens for a second and then his gaze swings my way, and I know something’s happened to Mia.

He starts walking quickly across the bar, signaling for Nick and me to follow him. I want to rip the phone away from him and demand he tell me what happened. The thread of control I have is wavering. We’re out the door in seconds, and I’m about to take his phone away when he talks again.

“Angel, listen to me, okay,” a pause, then he continues, “we’re getting in the truck. We’ll be there in just a minute. You and the girls stay with Andrew, okay?” Silence, then, “We’re coming, baby. Just stay with Andrew. Love you.”

He hangs up at the same time we reach the truck. As soon as the doors are open and I see Jaxon on the other side of the truck, I ask, “What the fuck happened?”

He doesn’t waste any time in cranking the truck and backing out of the parking space, talking as he does so. “Something’s wrong with Mia. They found her in a back room, unconscious. She said there was a man in there with her.”

“Son of a bitch,” I hear Nick spit out behind us.

I grip the handle of the door so hard I’m surprised I don’t crush it. My blood is on fire, and I want nothing more than to tear someone apart. Rage fills my system, and I start seeing red.

“What the hell do you mean she’s unconscious? What’s wrong with her?” I growl at him.

His knuckles are white on the steering wheel as he speeds the two blocks to Lucki’s.

“I don’t know, Mac. Bailey was hysterical. I could barely understand her.”

We’re pulling up to the curb of Lucki’s, and I jump out before he comes to a full stop. There’s a small line to get inside, but I bypass it and run toward the door and the bouncer guarding it. I yank out my badge and snarl, “Out of my fucking way.”

He holds up his hands and steps out of the way, and I push my way in. I hear Jaxon and Nick run in behind me. “Move,” I hear them yell.

My gaze zeroes in on the hallway just past the bar, and I quickly make my way in that direction, having to push and shove people out of my way. I hear some grumbling and complaints, but I ignore them.

When I reach the hallway, I see a small group of people outside a lit room. One is Bailey, who sees Jaxon behind me. “Oh my God, Jaxon,” she screams and runs toward us. I pass her and barrel my way into the room.

I skid to a stop and my heart thumps in my chest and nearly stops when I see Mia lying on a counter with a towel over her. Her eyes are closed, like she’s sleeping, but I see the track marks from her makeup running from her crying. Karyn and Chris are crying down at the end of the counter. Andrew is at Mia’s side with a murderous expression on his face as he strokes her cheek. His knuckles are torn up, and I see blood on his shirt.

I quickly make my way to Mia, who isn’t moving. My palms are sweating, and I’m having a hard time catching my breath.

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