Page 24 of Wickedly Betrayed

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Pulling in a deep breath, I shut off my car and get out. As usual, I don’t bother locking the door. I see Mac’s charcoal-gray truck parked at the side of the house. There is also a red older-styleMonte Carlo. I wonder whose it is and think about turning around again. I don’t want to disturb him if he’s busy. I change my mind when I think about his adamancy on speaking with me. I’ve worked up the courage to come here so he can damn well tell me now, not later.

As I make my way to the front porch, I glance over to the left and notice a horse grazing in the pasture. It makes me wonder if Mac still has Marabelle. She was a beautiful brown-and-white mustang I always rode when Mac and I went out horseback riding.

Sadness and nostalgia hit me, but I force the feelings down.

When I step onto the porch, I see that, again, not much has changed. Memories of Mac and me on the porch swing wrapped in a blanket come to the surface.


I knew this was a bad idea. It’s already hard enough as it is without all the damn memories popping up.

I pull the screen door open and knock twice, bound and determined to get this done and over with so I can leave. I see a silhouette through the curtain hanging on the door before it swings open. What greets me has my breath freezing in my lungs and my heart faltering. My stomach immediately cramps and it takes everything I have to not turn around and run away.

“Who is it, T?” Mac’s deep voice comes from somewhere in the house.

“It’s Mia, Dad,” Trent “T” says over his shoulder in a bored voice.

I stand there and stare at Mac’s son with my heart in my throat until Mac appears beside him. The look in his eyes tells me he knows this hurts. I also see guilt and what looks like something that resembles worry, which makes me wonder why.

It doesn’t take me long to find out why. A few seconds later, I hear another voice. This voice sends shivers down my back and has me clenching my fists. The voice is attached to one of the people I hate most in the world, one of the ones who destroyed all my dreams in one go. I want nothing more than to charge in the houseand lay the woman out. She took everything from me and never received any retribution for it.

“Mac, I need you to…,” Tessa says as she rounds the corner. She stops when she sees me, and her eyes go hard. If it weren’t for her conniving and deceitful ways—and I know what went down with her and Mac included deceit on her part—I would say she’s beautiful. She has golden-blonde hair that reaches just past her shoulders. Her hazel eyes are at a seductive slant. If it weren’t for the hatred emitting from them right now, I would say they were pretty. Her body is, I guess you could say, full in all the right places. I personally find her one of the ugliest people I’ve ever encountered. But that’s just me. I know her true nature. In high school, boys flocked her way. They were all horny and knew she was a sure bet. Although she dated many of them, and slept with many more, I never missed the heated looks she sent Mac’s way. It pissed her off that I had him and she had no chance. In the end though, she won. She got her chance with Mac and took everything that was supposed to be mine, even our child.

She walks up to stand beside Mac. “What in the hell is she doing here?”

“T, go back in the house.” After Trent walks away, he says to Tessa, still looking at me, “That’s none of your business, Tessa. It’s time for you to go.” The guilt is still in his eyes, but I also see anger slipping through.

“I beg to differ. My son is here and I don’t want—”

She doesn’t get the chance to finish before Mac interrupts her. “He’s my son too and when he’s here I say who he’s around.”

“You know what?” I interrupt before they can continue. “I’m leaving. We’ll talk later, Mac.”

When I turn to go, Mac grabs my arm to stop me. “No, you stay. She’s leaving.”

Tessa sputters for a minute before she finds her voice. “You’ve lost your mind if you think I’m leaving my son here if she’s going to be here as well.”

She’s really starting to piss me off. She makes it sound like sheis the injured party. The last time I checked, it was her pussy that Mac fucked on my eighteenth birthday. It was her he gave his virginity to, not me. What in the hell does she have to be pissed for?

Just as I’m about to voice my opinion on what I think of her skank ass, Mac steps up into Tessa’s face without releasing my arm.

“This is my house, my rules. You are the one who called this morning asking me to take T for the week. You know I have no problem with that. I love having my boy with me. But you don’t come to my house forbidding anyone from entering it. You’ve fucked me over too many times in the past in regards to my time with him. It’s time for you to leave.”

I watch as Tessa faces off with Mac. The look in his eyes is hard. He’s pissed and isn’t afraid to show it. I don’t know much about their current situation. What I do know is that their relationship didn’t last long and it ended on a bang. I couldn’t help but feel satisfaction when I found out they were splitting up.

“Fine, whatever,” she says, with narrowed eyes. “You better watch her around him.”

I take a step toward her, ready to have my own face-off, but Mac pulls me back and wraps an arm around my waist. I really want to lay in to her, but it’s not my business what goes on between Mac, her, and their son. I have to force myself not to say anything.

“What the fuck do you think she’s going to do, Tessa?” Mac asks. I’m curious about her answer as well.

“There’s no telling what lies she’ll plant in his head,” she says with a glare in my direction, and that’s what sets me off. Yanking myself from Mac’s side, I get up in Tessa’s face. Satisfaction rears its head when I see fear in her eyes. I know my own eyes reflect pissed-off vibes. And that’s exactly what I am. Pissed! She’s taller than me by a few inches but I’ve got anger and adrenaline on my side and she knows it.

“Who in the hell do you think you are? What lies am I going totell him? That you were a conniving bitch back in high school, and still are? Or, how about because you were jealous you fucked my boyfriend when he wasn’t yours to have? Those aren’t lies, Tessa. Those are stone-cold facts. But you know what? I won’t have to tell Trent. In time he’ll find out what a true cunt you really are.”

“Why, you little bi—” she starts, but doesn’t get a chance to finish before Mac cuts in.

“That’s enough!” he barks at both of us.

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