Page 58 of Wickedly Tainted

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“Oh, yuck!” Igiggled as I pushed him away from my face. I may want his comfort,but he could keep his stinky dog breath.

I patted him on hishind end before I stood. I started to walk to the bathroom and hefollowed. I turned around to face him as he sat back and stared atme like he was waiting for his next command.

I laughed again.“I’m going to take a shower, you stay here.” I talked to the dog asif he could understand me. I shook my head to myself as I walkedthrough the doorway, shutting the door behind me. I didn’t need adog watching me take a shower.

I flipped the wateron and stripped out of my clothing. I grinned when I realized I wasstill wearing what remained of my ripped thong. Oh, how this nightcould have gone so differently. I would probably still be inDamon’s bed if the night hadn’t gone to shit. I’m sure we wouldhave made love for hours, only to come apart for brief moments ofreprieve before finding our bliss all over again.

I sighed as Idiscarded the ruined thong in the trash can. If only that’s how thenight had gone.

Now, I was stuck inthis haunted house by myself, yet again. In such a short time, Ihad become used to being around other people. Whether it was Damonor one of the girls, I hadn’t been alone for days now. I used tolove my solitude and now I almost despised it.

I shook my head.“He’ll be home soon,” I said to myself as I stepped under theshower’s hot spray.

I groaned as the hotwater hit my sore muscles. I didn’t know if it was from class orstress, but I was achy all over. I let the scalding water run allover my body as I felt myself relax more and more. I’d spent goodmoney on the pulsing jets and I was going to get my use out of themtonight. I laughed at myself. I was going to get my use out of themagain. This morning when Damon had used them on me flashedin my memory and I heated. I briefly thought about using it likethat on myself but then quickly dismissed the idea. Sure, an orgasmwould release some of my stress, but I was craving more.

It was crazy to mehow my attitude toward sex had changed so much just in the lastweek and a half. Before Damon, I damn straight would have gottenmyself off, or even found someone to do it for me before going onabout my night. After Damon, I wanted his touch more than a quickrelease. I was unnerved as well as comforted by that fact. He hadshown me in such a short time what it was really like to be lovedand cherished by another person. Sure, we indulged in filthy hotsex on a regular basis, but that didn’t mean he didn’t do solovingly.

I had tried toforget the part of my dream where I admitted to myself that I lovedhim. I blocked it from my thoughts as if that would make it anyless true. But, there was no point in trying to forget it now. Iloved that man so hard that it scared the shit out of me. Notbecause I thought he would use that love against me, but because Ididn’t think I would survive if it was ever taken from me.

I sighed as my waterstarted to run cool. I quickly washed my body and exited theshower. I dried and wrapped my robe around my naked body. Using mytowel, I wiped away the fog that collected on my mirror.

I stared at thewoman who filled my vision. She was beautiful in the traditionalsense of the word. I used to hate the face that stared back at me.Secretly wishing she wasn’t pretty so maybe she’d be happyinstead.

Now when I looked ather, I saw the woman that Damon loved. The woman I was slowlylearning to love again. Sometimes all it takes to see your ownworth is to watch that worth grow in the eyes of the person youlove most. I had to learn how to love myself by experiencing thatlove from another.

It was time Istopped pushing Damon away and started soaking in every moment wehad together. Tomorrow wasn’t promised and it was almost sad howlong it had taken me to figure that out.

A sudden noisejarred me from my thoughts as I jumped. I smiled at myself beforethrowing my towel in the hamper on my way to the bedroom. Itsounded like Damon was home, and I couldn’t wait to show him howmuch I needed him tonight.

I opened the doorthat led to my room expecting to see Boone still sitting where I’dleft him. When he wasn’t there I figured he went to greet Damon. Ipadded further into my room before I heard rustling come from thekitchen.

“Damon?” I raised myvoice, hoping he would come to me. When he didn’t answer, I steppedinto the hallway.

The noise in thekitchen stopped as I stood next to my doorway and listened. Atickle at the back of my neck told me to go back to my room andlock the door.

You’re beingridiculous,I scolded myself. Maybe it was just Boone gettinginto my trash. I sighed as I walked down the hallway.

“Boone, come here,boy,” I called.

I stopped again as Ilistened for his paws to clank over the wooden floor. Nothing.

My heart rate tickedup as I came closer to the end of the hallway. Something wasn’tright. I knew Boone enough to know that he came when he was called.Maybe he hadn’t heard me.

“Boone!” I holleredfor the canine louder this time. Nothing.

That’s when I sawit. The faint trickle of light streaming in through the dining roomdoorway. My breath left me in sharp pulls as I padded closer andcloser to the kitchen. Dogs could do miraculous things, but Idoubted Boone could turn on a light switch.

I was silent as Iapproached the dining room. The closer I got the more I heard Boonegrowling.What was he growling at?Maybe he could seesomething out of one of my windows. That still didn’t explain thelight, though. I knew I turned it off before I went to my room.

As I came to thedoorway, I held my breath as I peered past the frame. It took me amoment to see anything at all as panic started to cloud my vision.I pulled back, closed my eyes, and took another deep breath asDamon had shown me before I tried again.

At first, it lookedas though Boone was just standing in the archway to the kitchen.Then I realized he was in an attack stance as he blocked whateverwas in the kitchen from the rest of the house. He growled fiercelyat what was in there, baring his teeth viciously.

I stepped into thedining room, still out of view, and grabbed the first blunt objectI could find, which happened to be one of my heavy candlestickholders. I hastily removed the candle and placed it on thefloor.

I raised it over myhead with my right hand as I stepped further into the room. Eachsilent step I took brought me closer to the intruder in mykitchen.

My blood turned toice in my veins as I got close enough to hear whispering.

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