Page 53 of Wickedly Tainted

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“You know what todo, Jill. Do it,” he breathed.

I leaned forward,trying to take his weight off the ground but my legs trembled withthe effort. I grunted as I felt him grip me tighter.

“I can’t,” Ipanted.

“Bullshit.” Herejected my excuse. “I’ve seen you take out two grown-ass men sincewe’ve met. Both of which were much bigger than you. You can dothis, so do it,” he ordered harshly.

I rolled my eyes. “Ibroke their noses and if you haven’t noticed,”—I wiggled my arms—”my armsare a little preoccupied,” I huffed.

“Stop making excusesand fight for yourself, Jill,” he growled.

“What? All I haveever done is fight for myself. Nobody has ever come to save me,it’s always been just me. I’ve always had to save myself!” Iseethed, feeling my face redden with anger.

“Prove it,” hetaunted.

I thought vaguelyabout trying to kick him in his manhood but I doubted that wouldwork. So, I took a deep breath and widened my stance. I used everybit of strength I had to bend forward. I felt a rush of victorywhen I saw his feet leave the ground before my world turned upsidedown.

I pushed off theground as hard as I could as I flipped him up and over my body. Hishold on me broke when his back hit the mat with a solid thud. Hisgrunt was enough to make me want to celebrate. I scrambled up andtwisted around to face him. I straddled his hips in a crouchedposition as I raised my padded fist back.

I scowled down athim, posed to strike his beautiful face when he started to laugh.He gripped my hips firmly as his deep belly laughs jostled me. Hisdelighted sounds smoothed my features as I grinned down at him. Ichuckled with him before I leaned forward to take his lips.

His smile broadenedbefore he flipped us both so I was under him. He used his paddedhands to grip mine and bring them above my head. His smile vanishedas he looked down at me seriously before sealing his lips tomine.

I arched into him ashe thrust his tongue past my lips. I bit back my moan as helavished me with his attention. Feeling dazed when he pulled away.He rubbed his nose against mine as he led my hands around hisshoulders.

“Good job,Roja,” he whispered against me.

I breathed in hismanly scent and leaned up to capture his lips with mine once more.Then someone cleared their throat.

“I don’t believeI’ve seen this form of self-defense before.” Hugh stood above uswith a knowing grin on his face.

Damon grinned downat me as he pushed up to stand, extending his hand out to help meup. I flushed slightly as I looked at my instructor.

“I figured I’d letyou lovebirds know that class is done for the day. Everyone else ispacking it in for the evening.” Hugh shook his head as he lookedbetween the two of us with a smile on his lips.

Damon shook Hugh’shand in a manly way as I nodded my head.

After Hugh walkedaway from us, Damon grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. I suckedin a sharp breath as he gazed down at me.

“I’m going to washup real quick and then I’ll take you home. I need to run to myhouse and grab Boone. I left him outside with plenty of food andwater earlier but I think he’s starting to get lonely. Do you mindif he stays with us at your place tonight?” he asked hopefully.

I shook my head. Ididn’t want to go home. I swallowed hard and shoved away that dreadthat coiled in the pit of my stomach. It was time to shove my fearsaside.

“Actually, can westay at your house tonight?” I asked quietly. I didn’t look back upat Damon as I waited for his answer, afraid of the look he wouldgive me. I immediately questioned whether I should have asked thatof him. Was it rude to ask to go to his house instead of mine?

I closed my eyes ashe grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. When I opened themagain he was smiling at me. His eyes were bright as heanswered.

“Siempre,Roja. I thought you’d never ask,” he assured me before his eyesdarkened. He pulled me to him and whispered against my ear. “I planon eating you up at the earliest moment so go get your things andI’ll meet you back here in a few.” His promise sent shivers throughmy body.

I turned as Istarted for the locker room before Damon smacked my ass, drawing ayelp from me. I heard his chuckle as I picked up my pace.


Damon drove me to myhouse to get a few things so I wouldn’t have to come back for awhile. After collecting my things and checking to see if Fiona hadresurfaced—she still hadn’t—we made the journey out of town to his carved-outoasis. I pushed aside my anxiety over my cat as he drove along thesecluded roads. I couldn’t wait to be back at his cozy home and seethe peaceful view it offered.

He held my hand ashe drove with the other. He smelled clean from his quick shower atthe studio but he’d dressed in the same clothes he had on thismorning. The sight made all my girl parts perk up and take notice.He had put his hair back up in its constraint so I could see allthe harsh angles of his chiseled profile. I caught myself smilingas I watched him.

He spied me staringand smiled before returning his eyes to the road. A naughty thoughtcame to my mind and I couldn’t stop myself. It was dark outside thecar so it wasn’t like anyone would see.

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