Page 52 of Wickedly Tainted

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I came to astuttered halt when I looked in my driveway, furrowing my brows inconfusion as I looked over my car sitting there. I had finallygotten it back this last week but as I looked at it, I noticedsomething was amiss.

Damon’s hand slidaround my waist as if to pull me back at any second as he looked inthe same direction. All four tires on the car were flat. It wouldhave been one thing if only one of them were flat, maybe an unluckycoincidence. But all four? Someone had done that on purpose.Someone was messing with me.

Damon walked past meto inspect the car. He knelt in front of one of the tires and ranhis hand all along the sidewalls, searching for holes.

I felt the hairs onmy neck stand on end as if someone was breathing on me. I lookedall around the houses that surrounded my subdivision and sawnothing. Nobody was out on their lawns or getting in their cars.Most had already left for work by this time. I swiveled to lookback at my closed and locked front door. I felt the need to leavethis place.

“It looks likesomeone just let the air out of them. Probably some neighborhoodkids joking around.” Damon’s voice surprised me and I jerked aroundto face him.

“Are you okay? Youlook pale, do you need to sit?” he asked, concern lacing hisvoice.

I looked at him withwide eyes before glancing back at my door one last time. I shook myhead. I was being ridiculous.

“I, uh, yeah, I’mfine. Just a little frazzled,” I allowed. He regarded me seriouslyfor a moment before nodding his head.

“Come on, I’ll giveyou a ride to work before I head to the station. I’ll send someoneout to get your tires aired back up later today.” He grabbed mychin, pulling my lips to his for a tender kiss. “Can I pick you upafter work before we head to class?” he asked against me beforebrushing his lips to mine. I sighed, it was always hard to thinkwhen he did that.

I nodded rather thantry to speak. He grinned at me before taking my hand, leading me tohis car. He opened the door for me and I clambered in.

A short while laterwe pulled up in front of Brookes Publishing. Damon put the car in“park” and looked at me expectantly. He said nothing as he rakedhis gaze down my body. I felt heat flush to wherever he waslooking. When he made it back up to my eyes, he paused.

The silence draggedso long that I felt the need to fill it. “What?” I asked.

Damon grinned beforeresponding. “Show me,” was all he said in a deep sultry voice.

I raised myeyebrows.Was he serious? Here?I looked around the parkinglot filled with cars but saw nobody walking around. Still…

He drew my attentionback to him by cupping my chin and turning me to face him. “Showme,” he repeated darkly.

I flushed with heatat his command as I leaned back in my seat. Lifting my hipsslightly, I raised my tight skirt slowly. Making a show of exposingmyself to him.

I watched his eyesdarken further as I lifted the skirt to my hips, showing him mythin panties and garter belt. He ran his finger down the snaps thatheld my stockings in place before pulling it away from my skin justto let it go. The strap snapped me, leaving a sharp sting in itswake. I inhaled harshly at the sensation.

Damon groaned beforehe adjusted himself. Those jeans he wore must have felt prettytight at that moment.

“Me estasmatando, Roja,” he rasped around a growl.

I chuckled as Ilowered my skirt, smoothing the material back down. I leaned in andkissed him one last time, swiping my tongue teasingly across hislower lip before I opened my door and climbed out. I still had astupid grin on my face as I bent to face him again.

“Just wait,Detective Santos. If you think I’m killing you now, you haven’tseen anything yet,” I teased. “See you after work?” I asked.

At his nod, I shutthe door and walked into my building. I glanced back and felt thatwarm feeling in my chest as I watched him pull away. He had waiteduntil I was safely inside before leaving.

I couldn’t keep thatsmile from my lips as I made my way to my office to start theday.


I kicked out, tryingfor his thigh this time, but Damon gripped my ankle before I couldmake contact. He moved fast as he twisted my foot, completelytwisting my body in the process. Somehow, I ended up facing theopposite way with my leg still firmly in his grasp. I glanced backat him in time to see his wicked grin. I braced myself as he pushedme forward. I barely had enough time to catch my balance before hewas back in the starting position.

I scowled at him ashe smiled, showing me those pearly whites. I took a moment to lookhim over. He was shirtless and covered in a fine sheen of sweat.His hair was pulled up high in one of those manly buns. I couldstill see the heat in his eyes as he watched me.

I put my hands backup in the position he demonstrated and waited. He continued to grinat me before he made the “come here” motion with his fingers. Irushed him and tried to sweep his legs out from under him butfailed miserably as he moved away quickly.

I’m not sure how hemanaged it, but somehow he grabbed me and had me twisted around andtrapped against him in seconds. My back was to his front and heheld both of my arms to my sides in a familiar position. Only thistime, my capturer kissed my neck, making me hot for another reasonaltogether.

“What are you goingto do now?” he murmured against my ear, sending shivers down myspine.

I tried to break hishold on me to no avail. When I huffed an exasperated sound henipped my ear. I bit my lip to stop the yelp that rose.

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