Page 47 of Wickedly Tainted

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“Someone want toexplain what the hell is happening?” Lindsey questioned over thesilence.

I frowned as Ilooked at her. “You called me and I thought you needed help,” Iexplained.

She looked at melike I had grown another head. “I didn’t call you,” she argued.

I nodded my head andshowed her the call. “Yes, you did. All I could hear was, ‘Ben,stop!’ and then the call cut off. You had me thinking somethingterrible was happening to you,” I clarified.

I watched Lindsey’sface go beet red as she looked from her roommate then back to me.Anna dropped her head and sighed as if this whole thing wasexasperating. Lindsey shook her head and worried her hands in frontof her. She flashed me a self-deprecating smile.

“I’m so sorry,” shesang. “My friend, Ben, was teasing me and he picked me up over hisshoulder and started running around the house with me. My phone wasin my clutch and it must have dialed you by accident. I was tellinghim to put me down.” She cringed as she told me her story.

“Fuckin’ Ben,” Annamuttered under her breath as she rolled her eyes. I could tell byher reaction that her and this Ben guy didn’t like each other.

I stared at myniece, befuddled, as I went over the events of the night in myhead. I smiled to myself as I replayed my crazy actions over andover again. Then I started laughing hysterically as everyone staredat me. I laughed so hard my stomach started to cramp. I clutchedmyself around my middle as I howled.

Heath looked down atKate and mumbled something about it looking familiar. My bestiegrinned before elbowing him in the belly.

Damon pulled hisgaze from me and clapped his hands together. “All right…” He lookedover at the group I had created out of my chaos. “It’s late and allof us need to get some sleep. Can you guys make sure Lindsey andAnna get back to their dorm? I’ll get Chuckles here back to herhouse,” he finished.

Kate nodded her headand grabbed Lindsey’s hand. “Jill, I’ll talk to you tomorrow,okay?” She didn’t wait for a response as she led her daughter outof the frat house, the boys following close behind.

Damon turned andgathered me in his arms. He hugged me tight as my laughs finallyquieted. I had tears in my eyes as I burrowed my face in hisshoulder.

“I’m a fuckinglunatic,” I mumbled.

Damon chuckledagainst me as he rubbed my back. “No, you just love hard.” Hepaused to kiss the top of my head before speaking again. “AlthoughI did enjoy watching you punch the shit out of that kid, next timewhy don’t you let me take the lead?” he retorted seriously.

“Deal.” I smiledagainst his shirt and inhaled calmly for what felt like the firsttime in hours. I let his scent surround me as I relaxed under hisfirm hands. I looked up at him as I offered him my lips. After therush I had from this whole night, I needed him to ground me.

His kiss was tenderbut firm, dominant but loving. It was just what I needed. I pulledaway from him and looked up into his chocolate eyes. They shimmeredlike moonlight off the bay.

“Take me home?” Irequested.

He grinned down atme as his voice rumbled deeply, “Siempre, Roja.”


Jason towered overmy body as I lay in the bed. But this time it was different. Thistime I was in my own bed. In my own house. With my lover layingnext to me, asleep.

I glanced up at myabuser and felt my heart lurch in my chest. He was just standingthere, waiting. For what, I didn’t know.

He looked differentthan before. He was older, harder. Still intimidatingly tall and itwas as though he had tacked on about twenty pounds of muscle to histhick frame. His hair was longer than it used to be but his blueeyes were just as piercing. They seemed to penetrate my soul thelonger he stared down at me.

The only thing thatwas the same was the fact that I couldn’t move anything other thanmy eyes. I felt my panicked breath leave me in harsh rasps as mychest rose and fell rapidly. Not able to open my mouth, I tried tobreathe with only my nose. I felt like I couldn’t get enough airthrough the small holes. I tried to call for Damon but the onlysound that came out was a small whimper. Too quiet. Damon continuedto sleep next to me. I could feel his even breaths as he sleptsoundlessly, unburdened.

This was a dream, myDamon would wake up if this was real. I knew he wasn’t that deep ofa sleeper. He would’ve known something was wrong. He would helpme.

I could do nothingas I watched Jason bend his knees, squatting in front of me. Ichoked as I tried to call out for help again. Damon shifted butdidn’t wake. Jason’s hateful eyes glared at my lover beforereturning to me.

I whimpered as hebrought his hand to my cheek, gathering a tear that leaked out. Hiscold touch sent disgusted shivers down my spine. I squeezed my eyestogether hard.

Wake up! Wake up!Wake up!

His hand slidfarther down, briefly tracing my lips before moving on. I twitchedas his hand dipped below the blanket. His eyes flared as he pulledit down to expose my breasts. I whimpered as I felt my fingers andtoes start to come back to life.

He hissed as if I’dburned him as he jerked his hand away, then it disappeared. Iwatched with watery eyes as he pulled a knife from his pocket. Along slender blade gleamed in the moonlight that streamed throughthe window. The plain black handle was so dark it seemed to be voidof all color as if the light was afraid to touch it.

My hands and feetwere working now and I tried like hell to hit the sleeping formnext to me. I dug my nails into my palm, hoping to wake myselfthrough pain.

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