Page 36 of Wickedly Tainted

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Rather than text herback and tell her what I was up to, I decided to call her instead.She picked up on the second ring.

“Heath, stop it!”Kate’s delighted laughter rang out across the line. “It’s Jill,I’ll be right back…” Kate’s muffled voice came over the line and Ihid my smile for my bestie behind my hand.

I could almost hearHeath’s response in the background as Kate walked out of arm’sreach.

“Please tell me Iwasn’t interrupting something? I hope you still have clothes on.” Igiggled.

Kate’s laugh wasgenuine. I could almost see her smile over the line. “Nothing Ican’t finish in a few minutes! How’s your weekend going?” sheasked, completely ignoring my inquiry about her state of dress.

My smile wavered asI stalled for an answer. What was I supposed to say?“My weekendwas full of the hottest sex of my life and I’m dying to tell youabout it!”

“It’s going.” Ipaused. “Are you busy today? I need to get out of this house and dosome shopping,” I said. I needed a distraction before I got too farlost in my own thoughts.

“That sounds like ablast to me! Lindsey’s going to a party later tonight so she waswanting to get a new outfit anyway. Mind if she tags along? Maybe Ican give Em a call too?” Kate asked.

I stood and placedmy bag on the entry table, not caring to place it on its hook. Iglanced around my entryway.Where was Fiona? She always ran togreet me when I came home.

“Sounds like a planto me. Let’s meet for brunch first, I need a drink.” I kicked myshoes off and left them where they lay before heading to mybedroom. Maybe the cat didn’t hear me as I came in and was hiding.“What time do you want to mee–”

Then the thoughtstruck me. “Shit, would you mind picking me up? I left my rental atthe Krav Maga studio I went to on Friday.” Why didn’t I have theUber take me to the damn car instead of my house?

Kate paused on theline. “Sure, but you’re gonna need to tell me why you left your carbehind in the first place,” she said suspiciously.

I stood at the footof my bed with a pause. That was weird. I could have sworn I mademy bed before I left the house on Friday. But, as I looked at therumpled blankets and thrown-about pillows, I wondered if mysleep-deprived brain had been playing tricks on me again.

I stared down at thebed in confusion. Not once in the last thirty-something years had Iforgotten to make my bed. I liked the way it looked when it wasneatly assembled. Even if I was just going to get in it again thatnight and mess it up, I always, always made it every morning.

“Jill? Are youthere?” Kate’s worried tone came across the line again, jarring meback to the conversation.

“Yea–yeah, sorry. Imust have fazed out for a second. What did you say?” I mumbled.

“I said, how about Ipick you up in an hour?” Kate paused again. “Are you okay? You seem… off.”

I shook my head andstarted to head to the bathroom with a backward glance at my bed. Iguess I must have forgotten to make it.

I started the hotwater in my shower as I spoke. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to showerand get ready. I’ll see you in an hour.”

We hung up and Iwent about showering and getting ready for brunch. I scrubbed mybody, all while trying not to think about the way Damon had washedme last night. Right when I felt myself start to get hot and needy,I flipped the water to cold and nearly screamed. I finished myshower quickly and tried to squash the rest of my thoughts ofcrooked grins and olive skin.

I dressed in a whitecotton thong and matching mesh bra. I chose a short white rufflewrap dress with flowy sleeves, pairing it with a pair of brownopen-toed booties and the matching purse. I pulled my hair up in astylish messy bun and applied a light gloss to my lips, forgoingall other makeup.

For the first timein a long time, when I looked in the mirror I didn’t see someonewho hated me staring back. The woman in the mirror looked like shewas well-rested and flush with youthful energy. She almost lookedhappy. Which was ridiculous given I had just left the only man thathad ever made me feel that way only hours before.

I didn’t have timeto dwell on the fact that I didn’t recognize the woman in front ofme, as I heard a horn beep from the driveway. I grabbed my phoneand purse before I rushed out the door to meet my best friend.

After climbing intothe front seat of Kate’s car, I rushed to give her a quick hug.When she pulled away from me, she gave me a questioning look.

“What?” I asked, nolonger able to stand the silence.

She shook her headbefore putting the car in “reverse” and backing out of my driveway.She glanced at me again. “You just look … different. What happenedthis weekend?” she asked.

I offered her asmall smile, took a deep breath, and spilled my guts.


“So let me get thisstraight,” Kate said as she put her mimosa back onto thewhite-clothed table we were sitting at. We had chosen one of thoseupscale restaurants that specialized in brunch. Bottomless mimosasbeing one of their finer attributes.

“Damon turns up atyour new Krav Maga class, takes you back to his gorgeous home,fucks your brains out for almost two days straight, and then yousneak out of his house after rehashing your past?” she finishedwith a long whistle. “Damn, girl, you work fast,” she said with aknowing smile.

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