Page 15 of Wickedly Tainted

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I sucked in a sharpbreath as his scent hit my nose, bringing back memories of his bodyon mine. I started to panic as I looked for a way out of what wassure to be the most frustrating two hours of my life. I saw a flashof red out of the corner of my eyes and felt a thrill run throughme.

“Actually,” I saidas I slapped my hand on Vince’s bicep and pulled him to me. “Vincehas already offered to catch me up on what I’ve missed,” I finishedin a much too breathy voice.

I nearly rolled myeyes as Vince put his arm around my waist and puffed his chest outas he looked at Damon. I winced when I saw the deep scowl Damongave him in return. I had to give credit when credit was due. Thatlook Vince was receiving would surely make another man back down. Idon’t know if it was bravery or stupidity that made Vince pull mein tighter to his side. I tried not to gag as histoo-thick-smelling Axe body spray assaulted me.

Damon said nothingmore as he watched us walk to an unoccupied mat. I tried not tolook back at him as class started.

Chapter Eight

My breath left me inawhooshas I was slammed down on my back for what felt likethe hundredth time. I could feel my body forming bruises in placesI didn’t even know could bruise. At this rate, I would need to takean ice bath. Even through all the padding I had on my body, I couldstill feel every hit Vince landed on me.

He bounced up anddown waiting for me to get back up. I think he was able to move alittle faster than me because he didn’t have all the padding Hughhad insisted we wear. Since I liked my face the way it was, I optedto wear everything given to me. According to Vince, he had no needfor it, since I was a complete novice.

When I finallymanaged to get to my feet, he rushed me again and I barely avoidedhis grasp. I swear, between his hits, he took every chance he gotto touch some part of my body that I was sure wasn’t part of theexercise. Somehow I didn’t think grabbing someone’s ass repeatedlywas part of the curriculum. I scolded myself once again for notletting Damon teach me. At least I knew he wouldn’t try to cop afeel when I was trying to learn something. Doc thought this wouldhelp my anger issues, but all sparring with Vince was doing wasadding to my raising frustration.

The day hadn’t beena complete loss, though. While listening to and watching Hugh andDamon explain some basic moves, I learned a few things that couldbe useful. The only downfall was that Vince acted like he wanted tojust get his hands on me more than to help me learn. I held myhands up for him to stop so I could get a quick drink. All I got inreturn was a cocky smile as he rushed me again. He spun me until myback was to his front. He held me tight around my upper arms,trapping them to my sides. I swear I heard him inhale deeply,smelling my hair.

“Okay, you got me.But I need to take a minute.” I panted.

He still held metight to him while he murmured in my ear, “I will give you a breakif you can get out of this hold.” I could hear the smirk in hisvoice that just served to piss me off more.

I tried to bring myarms up to break his hold but all it did was enable him to hold metighter. He chuckled behind me.

“You’re gonna haveto do better than that, honey.”

I cringed at hisnickname. It was getting hard to breathe as tight as he held me. Itapped his forearm like we had been shown but he still didn’t letgo. “Seriously, I’m done. You need to let me go.” I pantedshallowly.

I felt him shake hishead before he spoke. “Tell you what, you go out with me for a fewdrinks and I’ll let you go. What do you say? I could give you someprivate lessons,” he taunted as I felt the start of his excitementpressed against my backside.

I felt panic slicethrough my chest as I tried to get a deeper breath but couldn’t. Ilooked up and saw Damon watching us from across the room. We staredat each other as I spoke again. “That’s not going to happen, let mego,” I demanded.

Vince locked hismeaty hand around my wrist and held still. “Not gonna happen,” hesaid. The feeling of his hot breath across my neck was making menauseous.

I continued to lookat Damon and he must have seen the desperation in my eyes at thatmoment. He started to stalk toward us but I was already seeing red.I tried to bring my arms up one more time to break his hold but itdidn’t work.

I started to feelpanic slither up my spine as visions of Tom holding me hostagecrept into my mind. He had held me almost exactly like this, onlyhe had a pistol to my head at the time. I remembered the way I’dgotten out of his hold. I tried to dismiss it because of the sheerviolence, but right now I was pissed off enough that I didn’t care.I needed to get out before the panic dug its cold claws in andrefused to release me. I widened my stance and used all theremaining strength to bring my right forearm up as high as I could.With everything I had in me I brought my closed fist down as hardas I could right on Vince’s crotch.

He released my armswith a loud howl and I took the advantage. As he doubled over inpain, I grabbed the back of his neck and brought my knee up to meethis nose. I heard a sickening crunch and smiled to myself.Should I be concerned at the joy that sound brought me?

Vince fell to thefloor in a heap, one hand on his bloody nose and the other on hismangled manhood.

“You fucking bitch!”he shouted up at me.

“I tapped out, youpompous little cum stain. Next time you try to strong-arm your wayinto a woman’s panties, you probably want to think twice aboutdoing it in a self-defense class. Or maybe at least put on somefucking padding before you do!” I yelled back at him. I took myheadgear off and threw it at his curled body before I turnedaround.

I almost fell backon my ass when I ran straight into Damon’s naked chest. He grabbedmy biceps and held me to him, looking down at me with hard eyes. Iopened my mouth to say something spiteful to him but stopped when Irealized how quiet it had gotten. I looked around the room andnoticed that everyone had stopped their matches and was looking atthe scene I had just created.

I squeezed my eyesshut for a moment and reinforced myfuck offwalls. When Iopened them again I looked up at Damon as I shrugged off his holdand pushed away from him. I walked as fast as I could to the lockerroom and slammed through the door. I wanted to scream and cry justto let the frustration out of my body. I didn’t ever let anyoneknow when I was overwhelmed. Preferring to keep it all bottled inuntil it just exploded in private. Unfortunately, this time itspewed out in front of a room full of people I’d just met. I feltlike such an idiot.

I let my head fallto the front of my locker a little too hard and winced at the dullache it created. I exhaled a shaky breath. “Good job, Brookes,” Isaid to myself.

The door of thelocker room creaked open and I straightened. Opening my locker, Iignored whoever came in until I felt a body press against my back.I immediately knew who it was when his spicy smell surroundedme.

I turned and cranedmy neck back to look into those brown eyes. “You know this is theladies’ locker room, right? What, did you come to escort me fromthe building?” I asked Damon with a condescending tone.

He looked down at mewith a soft look and shook his head. “No, I came to see if you wereall right,” he answered, ignoring half of my question. The pity inhis eyes was enough to light another kernel of anger on fire stillinside of me.

I squinted my eyesup at him. “I am justpeachy, thanks. It’s something I’vesadly had to get used to. Men just take what they want from me. Allthey see is a pretty face and fuckable body and they just take,take, take. Don’t worry, I don’t need someone to save me. I’ve beensaving myself for a long time now. So, you can take your good guyact and fuck right off with it,” I snarled as I started to turnback around.

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