Page 38 of Into the Fall

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He turned to me, unfocused, struggling to recognize me, and then he half-smiled before frowning. “Neil? I … I was going to see Clive. But I … I don’t know where I am.”

My heart sank. “Clive’s gone, Dad. He passed away, remember?”

He blinked, confusion giving way to a painful clarity. How soul-destroying must it be to relive understanding his best friend was gone, over and over? “Right … I forgot.”

I guided him gently into the sheriff’s SUV, buckled his seatbelt, then returned to his car and killed the engine before locking it up. I’d have to come back later with Wyatt to fetch it.

“Let’s get you home.”

The ride back was quiet, only broken by Dad’s occasional mutterings as he tried to piece together his fractured thoughts. I glanced at him every so often, my chest tightening with worry.

When we arrived, Bessie and Mom were waiting at the door. Their faces were etched with concern, and Mom’s eyes were red from crying.

I helped Dad out of the car and into the house. “Come on, Dad. Let’s get you inside.”

We all sat down in the living room, the atmosphere tense, Dad quiet, staring at his hands, lost in his ownworld. It broke my heart to see him like this—a man who had always been so strong and capable now reduced to this fragile state. All because of one wild shot that had buried shrapnel in his brain. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa, and all too soon, he was sleeping without a care in the world.

“We need to talk about this,” I said, breaking the silence but keeping everything unspecific and not mentioning Dad’s name.

Mom nodded, tears welling up again. “He’s getting worse, Neil. The specialist said it might progress quickly, but I didn’t think it would be this fast. I don’t know what to do.”

Bessie added, “We need to keep a closer eye on him. Maybe we should look into getting some permanent in-home care.”

“Maybe it’s time for in-patient care somewhere like the specialist suggested?” I said with caution.

Mum slumped in her chair—the idea of losing him was heartbreaking. But being afraid for him all the time was hard. “I didn’t hear him leave.”

I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it. “I know.”

Mom’s voice cracked as she spoke. “I found his phone on the bedside table. He must have left while I was asleep. I set the alarms, Neil. How did he get out?”

“Maybe he remembered the code,” I offered. It would be a first—codes and passwords were one of the first things he would forget, but sometimes he had a flash of memory that defied the bullet pressing on his brain.

Bessie gripped her other hand. “We should call Dr.Bennington and see if there are any adjustments we can make to his treatment. Maybe there’s something more we can do.”

Dad woke with a start, blinking at us, and then his eyes widened as if he realized we were all there.

“Maybe talking to the doctor is best,” I murmured.

“Who needs a doctor?” Dad asked, confused and worried for whichever one of us he thought needed medical help.

“You do, Dad,” Bessie said, her voice breaking.

He huffed. “I don’t need a doctor. I’m tired, that’s all.”

Bessie sat beside him; her eyes soft with concern. “Dad, we love you and want to ensure you’re okay. Will you let us do that?”

He nodded, a glimmer of his old self showing through. “All right, if it’ll make you all feel better.”

I felt a wave of relief. “It will, Dad. It really will.” Dad might be losing himself, but we wouldn’t lose him. Not without a fight.

Chapter Fifteen


I ranthe town perimeter daily, a ritual that had become second nature. Sure, it was partly about keeping fit, but it was more than that. I couldn’t shake off the need to protect, to keep an eye on things. Not just for Quinn—though he was still my boss and was always at the forefront of my mind—but for the town itself. This place was slowly becoming home, and I felt a responsibility to look out for it.

The misty rain clung to my skin as I ran, the damp air heavy with the scent of wet earth and fallen leaves. The trees, their leaves a riot of autumn colors, seemed to watch over me as I moved along the familiar path.

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