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Their climax hit them at the same time, pleasure exploding through them with the force of a supernova. She shattered apart, her pussy clenching around his cock as she screamed her release with his name. He roared in reply, his hands hard on her lips as her orgasm triggered his.

She looked down at him and managed a smile. In that blinding moment between one heartbeat and the next, everything was perfect. She had found her home—not in the stars or the countless planets she had visited before but in the arms of the alien warrior who held her heart.

Covak was her sanctuary, her safe haven.

Her perfect alien mate.


She was getting married.

Who would have thought it? A cyborg built for war… was getting married.

Jesh couldn’t help her smile as she stood in the ship’s cargo bay. It had been transformed into an impromptu chapel with hastily spread tarps, and dim lights hung from the rafters. It looked beautiful, better than any church she’d ever seen a picture of.

Ryke stood in front of them with an improvised officiant’s robe draped over his tall frame. His eyes twinkled as he looked down at them.

The Reapers, including Jex in his Scorperio suit, flanked them, forming a tight-knit circle to watch them exchange their vows.

“Do you, Covak Vorr, promise to protect this woman with your life, to cherish her, and to always let her win the arguments?” Ryke demanded dramatically, his voice serious, but she could see the quirk at the corner of his lips.

“I do,” Covak replied, a wide grin on his handsome face. He held her hand in his, his claws resting lightly on her skin.Strength and softness rolled into one, a balance that made her heart race.

She met his gaze, the same eyes she saw every time she looked in a mirror.

“And do you, Jesh, promise to occasionally let Covak pretend he’s in charge?” Ryke had given up pretending to be serious now and grinned broadly at her. “And to give him an ass-kicking when he’s wrong?”

“Oh, absolutely, I do,” she said, her voice steady.

Ryke raised his hands dramatically. “By the power vested in me by absolutely nobody, I now pronounce you bonded mates and married and all that. You may kiss each other… a lot. But get a room for the explicit stuff.”

Covak moved swiftly, hauling her into his arms to claim her lips. She melted into the kiss and the bay erupted in cheers around them.

When they finally parted, she rested her forehead against his chest, feeling the steadying beat of his heart.

“We did it,” she whispered.

“We did,” he replied with a smile. “You’re my family now and I’m never letting you go.”

The Reapers celebrated around them, loudly. It was a good thing they were in the depths of space with no one to complain about the noise. She even saw Davis smile, an event so rare she had to check her onboard’s memory. Next to him, Mira looked on with bright eyes. A few good meals had her looking far healthier than she had been.

But Jesh only had eyes for her new husband, and a question had been burning in her mind for a while. Reaching up a hand, she touched his cheek under his eye gently.

“You had different eyes before,” she murmured, the soft words a question.

He pulled her into his arms, his voice a deep rumble that was more a purr than anything else. “You noticed before, but I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure. It’s rare, but my species’ eye color changes when we find our soulmate.”

She caught her breath. “Does that mean?”

He nodded. “From the moment I saw you, I started to bond to you. My eye color changed to match yours, an outward sign of our bond.”

Tears filled her eyes. “That’s… so beautiful.”

He cupped her face gently, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “I will always be there for you,sweetheart. Not just because of this bond but because I choose to be. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered.

“Enough with the mushy stuff!” Rann roared, breaking up their intimate little moment. “We have food and drink! Let’s celebrate!”

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