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“How was the game?” she asked.

“Missed half of it because Alexander wouldn’t stop wanting to go potty.”

“Oh wow,” Zia laughed.

“He never wants to go potty whenever he’s watching Konstantin shoot arrows at target practice. Maybe baseball isn’t his thing,” Lev shrugged matter-of-factly and winked atAlexander who burst into another fit of giggles and started trying to wink back at his father, however unsuccessfully.

“You ready to go home?” he asked his wife while ruffling Alexander’s hair.

It was past seven in the evening, and Lev had never eaten dinner without his wife at the table since they brought Alexander home. It had become a daily family ritual at this point over the past year, and they both loved it.

No matter how busy the day got, knowing that they would see each other at the end of the day always got Lev giddy once it was past 4 p.m.

“Yeah. Eva will close up. She’s gotten better at it,” Zia replied, handing Alexander over to him.

“You won’t be long, right?”

“Can’t wait to have me home, Mr. Nikolai?”

“You’re my home, Mrs. Nikolai. Wherever you go, I follow,”

Zia pouted at him lovingly and blew him a kiss, which made Alexander giggle.

“Oh, that wasn’t for you, kiddo,” Lev scolded playfully, even though he knew the boy didn’t care.

They waited while she went about giving instructions before finally coming up to him with her bag slung over her shoulder.

“Let’s go,” she announced, linking her arm with his.

The drive home was never quiet. Little Alexander was a very vocal child and always had something to say and a fuss to make, but both Lev and Zia wouldn’t have it any other way.

Their night routine was simple—a bath for Alexander, then dinner. As long as the boy had a healthy appetite during dinner, falling asleep shortly afterward while being read, His bedtime story was no hassle.

Lev always read him the story. It was something he’d wished his father had done with him as a child, rather than have the nannies do it and so, he was taking no chances in not doing it for his son.

“A new book?” Lev chuckled as Alexander ran up to him with a book completely different from what they had read the night before.

“Yes!” he squealed in excitement.

They’d barely gotten through the second chapter of the new book Alexander had picked out when Lev felt the boy’s head droop onto his arm, a light snore following.

By the time he tucked him in and headed up to his room, Zia had a towel wrapped around her body, just done with her night bath. She smiled up at him as he walked in.

“Alexander asleep?”

“Out like a light,” he replied, moving closer to his wife and wrapping his arms around her midsection, nuzzling his nose in her neck. “I love how you smell after a bath.”

“I know. Let me get dressed first,” she suggested, running a hand through his hair as she stared at their reflection in the mirror. “My body’s all wet.”

“I bet you’re wet down there, too,” he whispered and chuckled into her neck when he heard her gasp softly.

Lev didn’t wait for her reply. He’d been sporting a hard-on all day and was counting down the hours to when Alexander would fall asleep. Slipping a hand inside the towel, he untangledit, sighing as it fell to the floor, her naked body now exposed with her reflection hitting at her from the mirror.

“You are so beautiful, Zia,” he complimented, his finger sliding up and down her thighs but avoiding her wetness.

And he meant it.

It had been a long road to recovery for Zia, and he’d held her hand every step of the way, assuring her of how perfect she was and encouraging her when her moods shifted.

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