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“It’s my job. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go check on other patients.” The nurse walked out of the room, leaving only two of them. Three, if Zia included the baby in her tummy.

With a smile stretching on his lips, Zia sat on the bed next to her and leaned over to plant a kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you for staying alive,” he said softly. “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.”

She placed her hand on his. “I’m never going to leave you until we’re old, Lev. You’ve already made on promise to me, so I’ll make this to you; I’m not going to die on you, ever.”

“And when we get old, I hope I’m the first to leave,” he joked.

He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept in days, but he was still her Lev.

“How long was I… asleep?” she asked, sitting up.

He held her up with one hand and positioned a pillow for her with the other. “Two days. I was scared out of my mind because you weren’t waking up. I almost lost it.”

By losing it, she knew he meant he’d been pacing the hospital, threatening every doctor who walked into her room that they’d be out of jobs for life if she died. “Lev, did you threaten the doctors?”

He shrugged. “Only told them I needed my wife alive, or I wouldn’t know what I would do to them.”

She burst into a fit of laughter, raising her head as he nuzzled her neck to give her more space.

“I’d ask you two to get a room, but you’re already in one,” a familiar voice floated through the room, startling Zia but not Lev. Nothing startled him. The man had mastered his emotions and reactions like she mastered a brisket recipe.

Losing her and their baby was the only time he lost his shit.

Looking up in the direction of the voice, Zia sucked in a small breath as she saw Amy standing by the door with a mischievous smile.

“Amy,” Zia whispered as her friend scooted over to her and flung her arms around her.

“You’re awake,” Amy said, her voice muffled as she sniffed into Zia’s hair. “We were all so scared. We thought the worst.”

“You were here all the while?”

“She called as soon I brought you to the hospital, and I told her everything that was happening. She wasn’t even fully well, yet nearly broke a leg running here,” Lev narrated, nodding his disapproval.

“I’m glad you’re fine,” Amy said.

Zia reached for her friend. “Me too. I’m glad you’re fine.” She remembered they hadn’t had the time to fully catch up before the poisoning incident. “Right, where do you work now?”

Amy huffed out a sigh. “I don’t have a job now. I got one after the attack at the club, but the pay was low, and the boss was such a bully.”

Zia rolled her eyes. “Toxic work environment. I can totally relate.” She glanced at her husband. “Lev just opened up club Noelle, maybe there’s a role you can fill in there?”

“You could come to work with us, Amy. I’m also opening a new club in the downtown district soon. We’d need a new manager and…” Lev began.

“Yes!” Amy squealed in delight. “Yes, I’ll take it!” She hugged Zia. “Thank you, babes.”

Zia hugged her back. “You’re welcome.”

“So, when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?” Amy asked, pouting her lips.

“When things settled,” Zia answered honestly. “There was a war, and we couldn’t let Cillian find out.”

Amy waved. “It’s fine; you had every right not to share the news with me sooner. You guys picked out a name yet?” she asked.

“Alexander,” Lev blurted.

Zia narrowed her eyes on him. “Alexander?”

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