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The man chuckled. “Fuck you.”

“Wrong answer.” Lev pressed his gun to the man’s throat and pulled the trigger.

The man’s splattered on the white walls behind him.

Lev shot back up to his feet, finding a staircase leading upstairs. Footsteps descended from it. He ducked by a car, ready to shoot whoever it was, until… Zia—it was her and Konstantin.

“Zia,” he whispered, briskly walking over to them.

She paused for a moment when she saw him, then she let go of Konstantin’s hand and ran to him.

She crashed against him and began to cry. “Lev, I thought I would never get the chance to meet you again.”

Her tears broke something in him. He’d promised her he would protect her, but instead, she’d ended up in the enemy’s hand because of his carelessness. If only he hadn’t asked Konstantin to take her home, she would have been safe. She wouldn’t have had to go through everything she went through. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her. “I’m so sorry, Zia.”

She shook her head and tilted her face up to look at him. “It wasn’t your fault, and thank God I had Konstantin.”

Lev glanced at Konstantin. His clothes were stained with blood, and he looked rougher than Lev had ever seen him. The man was in bad shape but still had it in him to protect Zia.

“Thank you for keeping her safe,” Lev said to him.

“It’s nothing, Lev. I’m sorry I let it get to this.”


Konstantin hadn’t called him by his name in so long that hearing him say it filled Lev with happiness. Because Konstantinwasn’t just his loyal soldier, he was also his friend. “You’ve done enough. We’ll handle Cillian.”

“I hate to break this reunion,” Ivan said, wiping his blade on one of the dead men’s bodies. “But we have a certain rat to catch, and we need to do it before he runs away.”

“Shit. Take cover!” Adrian yelled.

Lev grabbed Zia and ducked behind a wall as Cillian’s men trooped into the room. He threw the gun he was holding to Konstantin and pulled out the one in his shoe, shooting back at the men.

The fight lasted minutes until Cillian’s men were all dead.

Lev spotted someone running toward a car outside. He cupped Zia’s cheek. “Wait for me. I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” Zia asked.

“Just wait.” Lev ran after Cillian. The asshole hadn’t noticed him, not even as he opened the car and tossed a bag inside. He closed the door and turned to round the car when his eyes met Lev’s.

Lev smiled at him. “Going somewhere?”

Cillian returned his smile. “Nice to meet you, old friend. Turns out I underestimated you quite a bit.”

“Not me. It’s my wife you underestimated.” Lev didn’t have time for small talk. He shot Cillian on one leg and brought him down to his knee. “That is for stressing my wife while she is pregnant.” He shot Cillian’s arm. “And that is for my dear friend, Konstantin.”

Cillian groaned from the pain, but the old far didn’t give up. He swiftly moved his hand to grab a gun tucked in his pants.

Lev was about to shoot him right in the head when a gunshot came from behind him, hitting Cillian’s left chest.

“That is for my father,” a soft, cracking voice said behind him.

He whipped his head around and saw Zia, her gun pointed at Cillian. She didn’t lower it down even while Cillian collapsed to the ground.

“Zia,” he whispered, approaching her cautiously. “It’s fine. It’s all over.”

Zia turned looked at him. Her eyes were cloudy and empty, as if she was no longer there. “I killed him.”

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