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Lev hurried to the back of the van where Adrian had set up his computer to track Konstantin’s phone.

They were at Long Groove now. Adrian had been able to track the phone easily until they arrived at the outskirts of the city.

“Where is she?” Lev asked. He hadn’t been able to breathe or think right since Zia was kidnapped. He didn’t care about anything else, all he needed was his wife, safe and back home to him.

“The mansion over there,” Ivan pointed at a monstrous building several miles away. He huffed a laugh. “That fucker really thinks he’s smart.”

Lev turned to Ilya. “What’s the time?”

Ilya twisted his wrist to look at his watch. “It’s nine-thirty p.m.”

“We have thirty minutes until he thinks he’s successful at luring us to the port. If we don’t move fast, he’ll figure it out, and he will kill them,” Lev said to his men.

Ivan and Adrian were both here with him. Neither of them agreed to leave him after Zia was kidnapped. They hadn’t told Mikhail yet, and no one had any intention of telling him until the fight was over.

Four other vans behind them had thirty other men and weapons they would break in with.

Adrian looked up from his computer for the first time in an hour. “His men are stationed outside. He’ll hurt them if he realizes you figured out his plan.”

“She’s with Konstantin. He’ll keep her safe.” Lev trusted Konstantin that much. There was no sign of him anywhere, which meant he was still alive. He would never let Cillian hurt Zia, even if he had to walk through fire to keep her safe.

“We don’t have time to waste,” Ivan said, holding out two guns to Lev and Adrian.

They both took it.

Lev strapped his gun to the holster around his waist. He tucked one in his shoes and another one in the inner pocket of his suit. He waited for the other men to grab their weapons before he ordered, “Let’s go!”

They jumped down from the vans, finding an abandoned house close to the mansion.

Lev and his men crouched behind the building, their attention fixed on the monstrosity looming ahead. From where they were hidden, Lev could see three men with guns parading the balcony upstairs. There were at least five other men by the entrance of the building.

“How do we get in without them suspecting?” Ilya asked.

“We take out the man downstairs without the ones up seeing us,” Adrian said. “We take care of the others once we get access inside the building.”

Lev nodded in agreement. “That makes sense.”

“How do we get inside the building?” Ivan asked, rolling his eyes as if that was all he wanted to know.

Lev scanned the building one more time. “There must be a backdoor. We’ll use it. Be on alert, though, in case something goes wrong.”

The men nodded.

He took the lead as they approached the mansion. Once they were close enough, he signaled for his men to attack. They stalked toward the guards outside, attacking them from behind.

Ivan sliced one’s throat. Lev snapped the other one’s neck. Adrian hit a vital spot on one’s neck. Ilya and another of Lev’s men took care of the two other guards.

They made their way to the back of the building without being noticed.

With a nod from Ivan, Lev kicked the door open, and they poured inside. The interior was dimly lit. It smelled like cigars and alcohol. Rage bubbled inside Lev that those Irish bastards had brought Zia here.

He knew she was scared wherever they were keeping her. He had to find her quickly. His eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Zia and Konstantin.

There was no sign of them.

A knot formed in his throat as his urgency to find them increased. He found an ornate door by the corridor and kicked it open. Three guards inside grabbed their guns as soon as they saw him and started shooting.

Lev ducked behind a table and shot back, taking down two of the men. He shot the third one by the leg and hurried to him, digging a finger into the man’s wound. “Where is my wife?”

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