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She was, in truth, discovering something about Lev every day.

“Zia, are you sure you’re okay? Does he hurt you?

Amy’s face marred with concern. “I can call the cops if you’re married to him against your wish.”

Zia understood Amy’s concern. She saw how weird that sounded to an outsider. “I’m fine.”

“You know, I don't really know how he made his wealth, Zia,” Amy whispered, leaning closer to Zia. “Back at the clubbefore it was blown up, we had our theories about him being into something shady. But honey, the guy who was guarding the door to this VIP section had a freaking gun. And I can tell the others, even the ones in here, have guns, too. Honey, I'm not talking pistols. Dudes in the military don't have the kind of guns I saw the guy outside wielding. Someone who needs that many people with guns guarding him can't be making an honest living.”

Zia swallowed. She didn't know how much of Lev's business she was allowed to tell Amy and she didn't want to risk saying anything that would risk putting him or her in danger.

“Lev is fine, Amy. He just has some very dangerous people after him, which is why he tries to be one step ahead of them.” She smiled and reached for Amy’s hand. “I'm safe and happy. I wanted you to know and see that because I know you've been worrying about me. For now, let's talk about something else that doesn't involve us panicking. I want to enjoy this time with you.”

“Are you sure about this?” Amy asked again. “Are you really certain there is no reason for me to be concerned?”

“I'm safer than I've ever been. Trust me on this, Amy.”

“If you say so. Well then, here's to more time spent together and to a hot husband like Mr. Nikolai,” Amy cheered, pouring herself another glass of wine.

“You've emptied the bottle, Amy.” Zia laughed as she saw Amy shake out the last dregs of the wine.

“You're letting me drink all alone! It's not fair.”

“To be honest, I've already had my fair share of drinks. I'm honestly starting to feel nauseous.” Zia signaled for the waiter to bring another bottle.

When the waiter did, Zia and Amy cheered loudly when the bottle gave off a loud pop sound as the cork came off.

“All the girls back at the club would be jealous of you if they knew you got hitched to Nikolai,” Amy laughed and downed another glass of wine.

“Just call him Lev, Amy,” Zia said. “I'm sure he wouldn't mind.”

“Oh no, baby. I'm calling him 'Sir' until I'm convinced you're not lying to me about being safe.”

“Amy,” Zia laughed. “You gonna take me to court and have me swear under oath?”

“I have a feeling he probably owns whatever court I'll take you to.”

“And I have a feeling you just might be right about that.”

Zia was just about to tell her about Sasha and Polina when Amy dropped her glass of wine half-full.

“You tired?” Zia chuckled. “That's weird. You're usually not…”

Zia stopped talking instantly as Amy's eyes crept to hers and she saw how bloodshot they were. Amy's hands began to crawl up her throat and she started wheezing.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” Zia exclaimed, drawing the attention of the guards around her.

“What happened to her?” Konstantin asked as soon as he saw Amy.

She had begun to jerk violently and was foaming at the mouth.

“I don't know! We were just drinking and talking,” Zia yelled out. “Please, let's get her to the hospital.”

One of the guards slid out his phone and called for a car to come around to the front of the club while another lifted Amy out of Zia's arms.

“What was the last thing she drank? Where's the bottle?” Konstantin asked Zia, stopping her from running after Amy.

“I don't know!” Zia exclaimed.

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