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“You should meet him and his wife, Mira. They’re both very nice. Mira especially, she’ll love you.”

Zia wasn’t certain about meeting his family yet. She was still trying to grasp the reality of being married to someone inthe mafia. And Lev’s oldest brother, despite Lev’s description of him, still sounded very scary to her.

Her father was killed by someone in the mafia, which meant they weren’t as nice as Lev wanted her to believe.

She didn’t blame him, though. It was his brother, so it was only natural for him to think of his brother as less scary and loving. But she couldn’t turn down the invite either. Lev had done a lot for her; it was only right for her to repay him in some way.

“You should set a date for us to meet them.”

Lev nodded. “I have an important meeting in two days. The night after that will be perfect.”

“In three days, then?”

“In three days.” He took a bite of his chocolate cake. “You haven’t told me anything about your family.”

“Oh.” She rubbed her clammy hands on her dress and licked her lips. “My mother died years back. My father died when I was still a baby. He was actually murdered… by someone in the mafia.”

“The mafia.” His eyes narrowed on her. “Do you know what role he played and what mafia family he worked for?”

“He was a cop. He was murdered during an investigation.” An idea flashed in her head. How come she’d never thought of the fact that Lev could help her find whoever killed her father until now?” “

“What was his name?”

“James Kincaid,” she answered, peering into his eyes. She suddenly had a new glimmer of hope that she could find out who killed her father. It wouldn’t change anything, but she couldat least get some closure, a consolation for the fact that he was taken from her before she even had a chance to meet him.

“I’ll find out all I can about him.”

Zia smiled. “Thank you.” She guzzled down more orange juice and asked, “How about your parents? I’ve never heard you talk about them.”

“My mother died when I was still a child, and a rival family murdered my father,” Lev said. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

“What were they like?” Zia asked.

A sad smile played across Lev’s face. “My mother was beautiful and kind. My father was the opposite, cruel and hardened from growing up in the mafia. The only thing they had in common was their love for me and my brothers.”

She sighed. For some reason, she missed her father even though she had no memories of him. Her mother had been the same as Lev’s, beautiful and kind. But her father, she wondered what kind of man he was.

Her mother had told her he was a good cop. There was nothing he hated more than injustice—he died for it.

Zia’s chest constricted. If he hadn’t been murdered, he would’ve still been here with her. She wouldn’t have suffered so much after her mother died. Living life with no family had been tough, and she’d always wanted a family of her own someday. Now that she was married to Lev, she could have a family. They could have a family of their own.

The question left her lips before she could stop it. “Have you ever thought of having children?”

Lev paused, his brows knitting together. “I never even thought I would get married, but here we are.”

“Does that mean you would want us to have children someday?”

“If you want to, then yes,” he answered simply.

If you want to.

It wasn’t the answer Zia was expecting. It sounded more like he didn’t want to have children, but he could compromise if she wanted to.

She held back a sigh and looked at him. “If I want to,” she repeated, but didn’t say anything more.

Lev must’ve noticed the change in her expression. He swiftly changed the topic. “Is there something you’d like to do?”

“Something like what?” Zia asked with an anxious smile.

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