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If he was trying to get a rise out of her, it was working. Her gut burned with fury. “This is my home, Owen. You will not insult and threaten me in my own home.” She paused and inhaled. “I’ll get a guard to see you out. Don’t ever show up in front of me and my husband again, or I’ll kill you myself.”

“Are you threatening me?” he asked, disbelief flashing in his eyes.

“Yes, I am.” And she meant every bit of it.

Chapter 16 - Lev

“You must know why I am here.”

Darnell Bruno, the CEO of Darnell’s Event Planning, flinched in his seat. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead. “I-I don’t.”

Lev crossed his legs, biting back a smile. The man was already afraid of him, so scaring him any further wasn’t in his best interest. “You’re not as good at lying as you think, Darnell. You worked for my brother for years. I know better than anyone that you wouldn’t be shaking so much if you did nothing wrong.

Darnell’s throat bobbed as he swallowed. “You’re mistaken. I have nothing to hide.” He smiled nervously. “I’m only surprised you came to my office in person. We haven’t met your brother put you in charge.”

“Hmm.” Lev brushed off something invincible from his fingernail. “We met the night my club was attacked, Darnell. I’m surprised you don’t remember.”

Darnell’s smile dropped. “Oh. I’ve been so busy that I forgot. I’m sorry about that night, it was unfortunate.”

Scratching the back of his head, Lev chuckled. “Unfortunate?” He swiped a hand over his hair. “The only unfortunate thing will be you if you don’t tell me that attack happened. My club has tight security, so the only reason anyone could bypass that security is if they went through you.”

Darnell’s eyes watered, but he stood his ground, lying through his ugly brown teeth. “I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Lev sighed. His exasperation was bubbling inside him like a tornado. The circle meeting was in two days; he needed proofthat Cillian was behind the attack. Hard evidence was the only way the other mafia families wouldn’t step in when it was time to take care of the Irish mafia.

He nodded to Konstantin and Ilya, who were standing at either of his sides. The two men nodded back. They marched forward, grabbed Darnell, and pinned his face to his desk.

Pulling out his gun from the holster strapped to his chest, Lev stood up and prowled to the table. He pointed the tip of his gun close to Darnell’s face. “I am not a very patient man, Darnell, and neither are my men. Tell me who it was, and we’ll be on our merry way.”

Darnell groaned in pain. “They’ll hurt my family. They threatened my wife and children.”

“Who?” Lev barked.

“Please don’t kill me,” Darnell cried. “I didn’t want to do it. I had no choice.”

“Interesting. You fear whoever it was, but you don’t fear me or my brother.” He cocked his gun. “You have until the count of three. One… two—”

“It was Cillian Moore,” Darnell yelled, panting. “He came to see me the night before the event. He offered me money, and when I refused… he showed me a picture of his men hovering around my house and threatened to hurt my family.”

Lev nodded at his men to leave Darnell. “Go on.”

Darnell straightened up and smothered his suit. “He said something about avenging someone who was like a father to him. I swear I only did it because I wanted to protect my family.”

“Do you have any proof?” Lev asked, shifting his weight to one leg. All he needed to start the war was evidence that Cillian Moore attacked him first.”

“He took cards in the CCTV, but there was something left. Our conversation was being recorded.” His eyes moved to his desk. “I have a listening device under my table. You’re the only one who knows.”

“Can you get the record of your conversation with him?”

“Yes. A moment.” Darnell grabbed his phone and made a brief call to someone. When he hung up, he raised his head. “She’s bringing it.”

Less than a minute later, a blonde woman in a black suit entered the office. She handed a flash drive to Darnell and left the office.

Darnell held the card out to Lev. “Here it is.”

Ilya took the card from Darnell. “I’ll have this checked.”

Lev nodded and Ilya left the office.

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