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Lev sighed. She expected him to turn her down, but he nodded instead. “You have the card with you, do whatever you want with it.”

“The black amex…” Damn, she’d forgotten she still had it. Just how rich was he that he didn’t bother asking her to return it? Speaking of the Amex, she’d almost forgotten she got him something.

Sliding out of bed, she walked to a stack of shopping bags she hadn’t had the time to put away since shopping. She feltLev’s gaze burn the back of her head as she picked up the bag from the jewelry store, returned to the bed, and held it out to him. “I got this for you.”

His gaze bounced between her and the bag she was holding out for several seconds before he took it from her. “What is inside?”

“A new gun.” She tried not to laugh. “A toy gun, actually, thought you’d like it.”

Lev shot her a curious look, his brows quirking. “A toy gun?”

She bobbed her head. “Open it.”

His eyes narrowed, but he did as she said, rummaging inside the bag with his hand. He took out the box inside. “This doesn’t look like a toy gun, Malyshka.”

She couldn’t hold her laugh back anymore. For someone with an intimidating and cruel reputation like his, Lev was quite easy to fool.

He opened the box, and his eyes widened as he gazed at the watch inside. “You got this for me?”

There was a hint of emotion in his voice, but it wasn’t clear whether it was rage or if he was just touched.

Lev had the most expensive things in the world, there was no way he would get positively emotional over a cheap watch, at least that was what Zia believed.

She cleared her throat, struggling to read the emotion on his face. “I know it’s not the type of watch you use. It’s cheap, but I liked it.” Her cheeks heated with embarrassment because she’d bought the watch just to spite him, but now she wished she’d gotten him a nicer, more expensive one.

It didn’t help her conscience that she’d bought it with his money. Yes, she didn’t have much, but she could spend what little she had getting him something he would love better.

“It’s nice,” he said softly, brushing a thumb over the diamond crusts on the watch. “I like it.”

“I know, it’s cheap and not your…” She paused. Did he just say he liked the watch? She wasn’t sure if she’d heard him right. “You like it?”

He smiled, his dark eyes lighting up as he strapped the watch around his wrist. “It’s the first time a woman who wasn’t my mother got me something. I don’t care that it is cheap, I like it. Thank you.”

Zia’s mouth fell open. She searched for the right words to express her surprise, but none was forthcoming. She was too stunned that he would love the watch that much.

What stunned her more was the fact that he mentioned his mother. He’d never mentioned her since they got married, and doing so piqued Zia’s curiosity. She wanted to know about his mother and what type of woman she was but held back. She didn’t know how he would react, and the last thing she wanted was to upset him when their morning was going so smoothly.

Perhaps she would ask another time. If she had to remain married to him, then she needed to know him beyond just the surface.

Her eyes darted to his wrist. The watch looked like it was made just for him. “They look good on you.”

“Because you got it for me.” The watch case fell off the edge of the bed where he’d kept it. Zia moved instinctively to pick it up, and so did Lev. Their hands collided, and they were dangerously close to each other.

A wave of need seared through Zia. It’d been weeks since they’d been married. They slept on the same bed every night since then, but he hadn’t tried to touch her. She was fine with it until two nights ago, and she’d started to crave his comfort in an unusual way.

She’d wanted to do more than just lie beside him. Memories from their first night together made her stomach clench. An ache blossomed to life between her eyes, her heart beating so fast that she was certain he could hear it.

Lev picked up the box and placed it on the bed.

Zia remained in the same position, with her hands reaching for the box that was no longer there. To her surprise, Lev angled over. He took her hand and rubbed it gently.

His caress was soft despite his rough hands. Soft enough to send a wave of electricity to her spine. Every cell in her body awakened, and the hair at the back of her neck stood in anticipation of what he would do next.

Was he going to kiss her? God, she’d missed his kisses. She’d missed the way he touched and fucked her the night they first met. It was so intense that just thinking of it sent a rush of heat between her legs.

“Thank you, Malyshka,” he whispered, bringing his hand up to her face this time and cupping her cheek. “I don’t care if you think it is cheap or ugly; you got it for me, and I will wear it whenever I choose.”

Her pulse rate tripped, and her breath hitched. She wondered if Lev really meant what he’d said, if he would really cherish a gift she gave him just because she was the one who gave it to him. “I bought the gift with your money,” she croaked, terrified of letting herself believe that the man who was sitting so close to her saw her as anything more than a burden.

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