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“I haven’t decided how to deal with him,” he answered honestly. “When I do, I want it to hit him where it hurts the most.”

“That fucker doesn’t care about anything else but money and power,” Adrian said. “Killing him is the only way.”

A smile played on Lev’s lips. “You just said it yourself, money and power are all that matters to him. I plan to use that against him.”

His brothers’ eyes flickered with suspicion as they looked at him. They must’ve thought he’d gone crazy. “And how are you going to do that?” Ivan asked.

“He just sealed a business deal with a cartel in Mexico. The shipment enters the country in two weeks.”

Adrian gulped down the rest of his drink and slammed the glass on the table. “You’re planning to steal from him?”

“I’m not a thief,” Lev explained. “It won’t be stealing. Let’s just say I’ll be taking over the shipment. What he did will cost me money, and I plan to get back every dime I’ll spend.”

Admiration shone in Ivan’s eyes. “The Nikolai genes definitely have madness in them.”

“They do. You wouldn’t exist if they didn’t,” Lev teased. He reached out across the table and took his glass from Ivan. “You two will need to leave now.”

A dirty smile flashed on Adrian’s face. “Are you desperate to get a fill of your new wife? You haven’t even introduced her to us.”

“I’m desperate to get some rest. I’m fucking exhausted. I’ll introduce her to you next time—after I tell Mikhail, that is.”

His brothers nodded at the same time and got to their feet. “Happy married life, brother.”

“Thank you.”

After Lev’s brother left, he drank one more shot of the bourbon and went upstairs. He stopped in front of the black door across from his and listened for any sounds from inside. When he opened the door slightly to check on his wife, he found her sleeping.

Her curly brown hair had fallen over her face, and the moonlight streaming in from the open window glinted off her smooth, olive skin. She looked like a painting, so serene and beautiful that he could stand there for a lifetime, just watching herself.

He had no idea how long he stood there, but a chuckle rumbled in his chest when he caught himself smiling. He’d only known this girl for a day, yet she had him wrapped around her fingers.

Chapter 9 - Zia

Scorching rays of early morning sunlight filtered into the room from the open curtains as Zia opened her eyes, slowly taking in the expensively furnished, monochrome room she found herself in.

The bed was large enough to fit five people, and it was so soft and fluffy that she wanted to snuggle back to sleep. And she would have if she hadn’t suddenly remembered everything that had happened in the last two days.

Her breakup and giving her virginity to a stranger, who was now her husband. Her energy depleted by the second as the awful memories of yesterday flooded her thoughts, but it was the diamond glowing on her fingers that had her sighing and sitting up.

She’d wished all of it would be a dream when she went to sleep last night, but it wasn’t. All of it was a reality. It was her life now. Even if she hated it, she had to learn to live with it. After all, she was married to a rich mafia guy; what could be so bad?


Everything was bad about it. She was attracted to him. She loved sex with him. But still… it wasn’t right that everything in her life had changed within two days.

A soft knock on the door caught her attention. She turned her head to the door, almost too angry to acknowledge the knock. “Come in!”

The door handle twisted, and the door slowly opened. A younger woman than Polina poked her head into the room and smiled, “Good morning, Ma’am.”

Zia didn’t want to return the smile. She wouldn’t if it was Lev and one of his stone-faced bodyguards, but this woman had a sweet innocent smile that she couldn’t resist.

Right, she had to channel her anger to the right person, not the people who worked for him.

Lev was the only one who should bear the brunt of her grunt,she reminded herself. This was all his fault, no one else’s.

“Good morning…” she licked her lips. She didn’t know this woman’s name. She hadn’t met anyone else in the mansion aside from Polina. “What do I call you?”

“Sasha,” the woman said. “I’ll be taking care of your personal needs from now on.”

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