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“I will.” He tapped Konstantin’s shoulders and started for the living room. His brothers were so busy running their other businesses that they rarely saw each other unless it was necessary.

But they’d come tonight at such odd timing.

Ivan was the first to notice him enter the living room. His dark-brown eyes crinkled, a smile parting his lips. “You look like a groom tonight,” was the first thing the intuitive asshole said.

Lev slouched on the couch across from his brothers. It’d been oddly busy the last couple of days, and he was exhausted. He needed a shower and a long night’s sleep. Tomorrow, he could catch up with his wife and get to know her better.

Adrian looked at the golden band around his brother’s finger. “I don’t think he looks like a groom.” His eyes met Lev’s. “I think he actually got married.”

Ivan looked at the ring, then gaped at Lev. “Did you really get married without us?”

Lev waved his brothers off. “Don’t be dramatic. It happened too fast for me to tell or invite anyone.”

“You had enough time to call the priest; you should have told us as well,” Ivan said.

“Does Mikhail know about this marriage?” Adrian asked, looking concerned. He was the most sensitive one out of all four brothers. Quick to observe and even quicker to use his brain, yet slow to speak.

He only spoke freely around his brothers. To everyone else, he was mysterious.

Ivan was the opposite. He had a brain the size of peanuts and would crack jokes standing on a corpse. He was pretty quick with a knife and a gun, though, and he was ruthless when he needed to be.

Lev was a perfect blend of both personalities, and Mikhail… Well, Mikhail was everything aPakhanneeded to be. Grumpy, cunning, and ruthless. He wouldn’t have been able to beat Dostoevsky otherwise.

“Not yet,” Lev answered. He walked to the glass minibar in the corner of the living room and selected a bourbon from the different brands of alcohol on display. He took a shot glass and returned to his seat. “I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”

“He’ll kill you when he finds out,” Ivan said.

“He won’t find out unless you tell him,” Lev returned, narrowing his eyes on his brother. “I’ll kill you if you tell him before I get the chance to.”

Ivan’s lips curled with a smirk. His dark eyes gleamed with mischief as he leaned back and crossed his legs. “I won’t, although I would love to see how the drama between you two unfolds.”

Lev filled his glass. Taking a sip of the bourbon, he grimaced as the heat trailed down his throat. It wasn’t as bad at whatever Konstantin called that drink last night. This one had the right of heat and bitterness. Something that would help him sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow but keep him alert enough to wake up if something went wrong.

“The only drama you’ll be watching is me teaching you a lesson, Ivan,” Lev said. “What do you two want?”

Adrian lifted his shoulder, and then he let it fall. “We don’t need a reason to see our big brother, do we?”

“Although we found something really interesting,” Ivan joked. “If I were an informant, I’d make a ton of cash selling out this very catchy information. You’re lucky I’m your brother.”

Lev bit back a smile. No matter how angry he was or how he pretended to be annoyed with Ivan, he actually enjoyed his crazy jokes. “Lucky is not the word I would use, Man.”

Ivan’s smile widened. “Deny it all you want; I know you love me more than you’d like to admit.”

Lev shook his head.

“You two are gross,” Adrian said, his face scrunching up. “Back to why we’re here. We wanted to let you know we’re here if you need anything. All you have to do is call.”

Of course, Lev knew that. He and his brothers weren’t the closest siblings on the continent, but they wouldn’t hesitate to lay down their lives for each other if it came down to it. That was how deep their brotherhood ran. Aside from Konstantin, his brothers were the only people he knew he could trust.

“I know, and I’ll call you if I ever need your help,” he said, taking another sip of his bourbon.

Ivan leaned forward and reached for Lev’s glass. He filled it to the brim and lifted it. “How are you going to handle Cillian? That sick asshole won’t stop at attacking the club—he’ll do worse if you let him be.”

But Lev had no intention of letting Cillian be.

Cillian was like a virus, spreading fast enough to kill itself and its host. The only way to stop it—him—was cutting him off before he got a chance to become something much more than he was.

Still, Lev could not act blindly. Starting away without a solid reason would only put him at odds with the other mafia heads. He was not going to jump into action. He’d planned to watch and prepare for any attack before he would strike.

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