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Will’s face fell. ‘I can manage.’

Nico squeezed his hand. ‘Will, you’re a child of the sun. Where I’m going … There’snosunlight down there. I know that seems obvious, but it’s a lot worse than what you’re probably picturing. The true nature of Tartarus … I never want you to have to experience that.’

‘So your clever plan,’ said Will, ‘is to sneak into the Underworld by yourself, hoping your father doesn’t notice, then slip down into Tartarus and … what? Bring Bob back here?’

Nico shrugged. ‘I just want to give him a choice. He could go anywhere in the world. Or if Bob wants to stay at camp, why not? He could build his own cabin or –’

‘Oh, could he?’ Mr D interrupted. ‘You’re talking about releasing anallegedlyreformed Titan into the world! And I am putting a great deal of emphasis onallegedly. You can’t just make a decision like that without consulting the camp leadership, which would be … Oh, yes, me!’

‘For once,’ said Chiron, ‘I agree with Mr D. This is an extraordinarily dangerous idea.’

‘What options do I have at this point?’ Nico growled. ‘Wait until my nightmares get so bad my head explodes? Wait until Rachel is spewing that prophecy twenty-four hours a day?’

‘Would not be my first choice,’ Rachel admitted.

‘I must say, however,’ Mr D interjected, ‘this is better than any human film I’ve ever seen. Thedrama! Thetwists! I should have made a second bowl of popcorn.’

Nico turned to face Chiron. ‘I can’t let this keep happening. Someone isbeggingme for help, and I can’t just sit here and ignore it.’

The old centaur bowed his head, as if he were already contemplating the words he would have to write on Nico’s tombstone. ‘I can see that I won’t be able to dissuade you, no matter how foolish your plan. But even if I grant a formal quest, you’re forgetting a very important detail: to succeed, a quest needsthreepeople. That is tradition. That is the sacred number.’

Nico shook his head. ‘I thought about that. Percy and Annabeth went through Tartarus, just the two of them.’ He glanced at Will. ‘If my stubborn boyfriend insists on going –’

‘I do.’

‘Then Will and I can do the same. We’re just as good a team. Besides, when we do find Bob, that’ll bring the number up to three.’

‘A fair point,’ Chiron conceded grudgingly. ‘But … if youdoneed to leave something behind? Or someone?’

It was second nature for Nico to assume the worst, but at the moment he wished that his brain was wired for a little more optimism. If saving Bob truly required Nico to leave something of equal value behind …

He looked at Will.

Nico’s mouth dried up instantly. No, that couldn’t be it. That would be socruel.

But wasn’t that Nico’s whole history? Wouldn’t this just be the cherry on the ice-cream sundae of his life?

‘Hey.’ Will squeezed his hand. ‘This isn’t some hero play I’m trying to make. I promise you right here and right now, Nico, I’m not going to trade myself for Bob. And you’re not going to have to make that choice.’

Nico’s jaw dropped. ‘I – What?’

‘That’s what you’re worried about, isn’t it? You think the prophecy is suggesting that one of us will have to stay behind to save Bob, right?’

Nico’s mouth was still hanging open.

‘Idoknow you, Nico,’ said Will. ‘And I’m telling you: that’s not going to happen.’

‘Wow,’ Nico said. ‘I feel like I’m standing in front of all of you in my underwear.’

Nico scanned the faces of the others: Mr D, Rachel, Chiron. There were no more objections, no more debates about the ethics of rescuing Titans from Tartarus or trading lives to fulfil prophecies. They seemed to have accepted Nico’s destiny, which scared Nico more than a little. This was really happening.

‘You know,’ Mr D said, breaking the silence, ‘I’ve changed my mind. You’ve earned my respect, Nico di Angelo.’ He handed over his nearly empty bowl of popcorn. ‘It’s not hot any more. But knock yourself out.’

Nico’s curiosity got the better of him. He scooped out a handful and gave it a try. To his surprise, even at room temperature, the buttery, herbed popcorn tasted like the ambrosia of the gods.

‘Youmadethis?’ He tried not to sound too incredulous. ‘Like, magically?’

‘Oh, no magic,’ Mr D said. ‘I watched some videos on thatYouTube thing. Some fellow named Alton Brown taught me the perfect recipe.’

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