Page 3 of The Toughest Play

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Everyone does as they’re told, and the rest of practice goes by without any changes.

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I keep my head down, take my limited share of snaps with the first team, and make every throw count.

Brett may have lost our little contest but he’s still QB1 and gets the lion’s share of the reps as usual. But I’m not afraid of hard work, and I don’t get easily discouraged. I’ve never felt better about my arm or my accuracy than I have at training camp. If I continue on this path, it’s only a matter of time before I take the starting spot from Brett.

On the way back to the locker room, I notice him chatting up a pretty redhead on the sideline.

Apparently, he gets the girls too.



Ifinish watching the reel I’ve put together, making sure everything is cohesive. I like to choose songs that go along with or relate to the emotion of the footage in some way. I’m sure I overthink my choices and any song would do, but that’s not my way. And since I just got the position as the social media manager for the Virginia Silverbacks football team, I need to do everything right. This job is a dream come true for me. The pay is good, the benefits are great, and it allows me to utilize my creativity. And although this isn’t how I imagined I’d be taking advantage of my graphic design degree, it’s still proving helpful for me.

Best of all, I only work with two other people, so I don’t need to be overly social. And Frankie and Lisa are already proving to be solid assistants.

I post the reel to the Silverbacks’ social media pages, and the number of views and comments immediately begin to ratchet upward. The footage I used is from the throwing contest between the backup quarterback and the starting quarterback. I thought it would be nice to give the fans a glimpse of something different than what they’ve been seeing.

Gayle, the former social media manager, shared a lot of predictable footage. I plan to be more calculated and original about what I post. The team’s loyal followers deserve nothing less.

I log out and shut down my computer before leaving my office. I give a quick wave to Lisa as we pass by each other.

“See you tomorrow,” she calls out.

As I round the corner, I reach the building’s foyer, which is bustling with people on their way out the front door. I file into the line, and when I finally step outside, I find my best friend, Scarlett, waiting for me.

She smiles. “Hey, roomie.”

My lips curve in response. “Hi. Have you been waiting long?”

“Not even a minute. I was running a little behind and thought I was going to be late.” Scarlett is the one person I’ve clicked with since we met in high school. She’s never seen my naturally prickly personality as a deterrent. In fact, I think she looked at my standoffishness as a personal challenge for her to break through. Lucky for me, the wordquitisn’t in her vocabulary and she wore me down.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry enough to eat a cow.”

“Eww, Autumn. That’s a gross analogy.”

I shrug. “I didn’t say a live one.”

We walk along the pavement in front of my workplace until we come to the sidewalk that runs throughout Silverbacks Plaza. There are multiple restaurants and businesses located here as well as the stadium itself.

“What are you in the mood for?” I ask.

“Hmm, how about tacos and queso?”

“Sounds great, and it’s close by,” I say.

The Mexican restaurant is already busy, but we find an available high-top table near the bar. The waitress makes her way over, and we place our order.

“How was work?” she asks.

“It was great. I’m enjoying it even more than I thought I would.”

She smiles. “I’m so happy for you.”

The waitress drops off our margaritas, queso, and chips, and we both eagerly dig in.

“You’ll be surprised to hear I even like my assistants. They’re all about work and don’t seem to need small talk.”

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