Page 25 of The Toughest Play

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Rogan wipes his hands on the dish towel and turns around to face us. “Put in a good word for me with your friend here.” He lifts his chin in my direction.

She nods. “I’ll do my best.”

“I’m gonna get going now. Thank you so much for feeding me. It was the best meal I’ve had in ages.”

“You’re welcome back anytime,” she says. “It was great meeting you.”

He smiles. “You as well.”

“Autumn will walk you to the door.”


I send a side-eye glance her way and slide from the stool to my feet. Wordlessly, I walk toward the front of the house and he follows. Self-consciousness assails me, and I wonder if he’s looking at my ass.Does he think it’s too big like I do?

And now that I’ve had that thought, my legs feel stiff, my gait feels awkward, and I have the grace of a robot. Even though the number of steps feels endless, it’s only a matter of a few seconds. Opening the door, I step out onto the landing, barefoot. He shoves his feet into his slides and joins me.

“Thank you for the ride home. I really appreciate the rescue.”

He waves away my words. “No thanks needed. I’m glad I was there to help. That reminds me, do you need a ride in the morning?”

“No, thank you. I’ll get Scarlett to drop me off. But how will I know when my car is ready?”

“I’ll have my buddy leave it at the stadium tomorrow. Do you have another set of keys?”


“Bring them with you. I’ll tell him to leave the original in the glove compartment.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Here.” He hands me his phone. “Put your number in so I can text you and let you know when it’s been dropped off.”

I don’t like giving out my number, but I can hardly say no when he’s gone out of his way to be of assistance. I type in the digits and then pass the cell phone back. His thumbs rapidly tap against the screen and then he slips the device into his front pocket.

He smiles at me. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nod. “Yeah.”

When he extends his hand, I hesitate for a moment before placing my own in his grasp. He surprises me by raising my hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back. It’s such a charming and unexpected gesture, a kaleidoscope of butterflies is set free in my stomach.

When he releases my hand, there’s an awkward pause before I say, “Have a good night.”

“You too.” He steps onto the walkway, and I become preoccupied with studying his retreating form. He’s tall and lean, with calf muscles that flex with every step he takes. And his gym shorts hug his ass in a way that dries up all the saliva in my mouth. He turns his head over his shoulder, sending a knowing smirk my way. Embarrassed at being caught checking him out, I spin around and hurry back inside.

Closing the door, I lean against it, exhaling a relieved sigh. What is it about Rogan that affects me so much? I’m not someone anyone could mistakenly label as a people person. I’m introverted and tend to keep to myself. But for some reason,Rogan was able to get me to speak more with him than I intended. It took Brett six months of having me as his tutor before I loosened up.

Pushing off the door, I spin around and shriek. “Fuck, Scarlett. Make some noise for God’s sake.”

“Where’s the fun in that? Besides, if you’d known I was there, I wouldn’t have seen your true reaction to Rogan.”

“And what would that be?”

“You like him.”

I scowl. “No, I don’t.”

She steps forward and pokes me in the shoulder. “Do too.”

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