Page 26 of The Toughest Play

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“Do not,” I fire back, but it’s no use. I can deny it until my face turns blue, but she’s the most stubborn and persistent person I know. She’ll never give in.

Her expression is smug as she crosses her arms. “You’re only lying to yourself. I know the truth.”

“I can’t like him,” I say.

“Why not?”

“Well, if you think back a couple of years, you’ll remember the hell Brett put me through.”

“What does that have to do with Rogan? Are he and Brett the same person?”

“No, but they’re both professional football players and quarterbacks.”

“And they both have a penis.” She gasps, covering her mouth.

I roll my eyes at her. “Can you blame me for being wary of someone who’s got so much in common with Brett?”

“No, I understand why you see similarities between them, but you’re not thinking about how different they actually are.”

“What do you mean?”

Her fingers close around my wrist and she tugs. “Come on.” I walk into the living room area and we both drop down ontothe couch. “Rogan isn’t like Brett in all the ways that matter. He drove you home, so he must be considerate.”

“Yeah, and he had a mechanic friend tow my car to his garage and he’s gonna deliver it tomorrow while I’m at work. Then Rogan’s going to text me and let me know.”

“See? Would Brett have done that for you?”

I raise my feet to the coffee table, crossing my ankles. “Nope. Not even after years together.”

“Right. He only thought of himself. Would Brett ever ask me anything?”

“No, but he knew you well enough that he didn’t need to.”

“Why are you still defending that asshole?” she asks.

“I’m not.”

“Yes. You. Are.”Her head nods in accordance with each word.

Am I really?

I take a moment to think about what I said, and come to the realization that while my intent might not be to defend him, in actuality, I am.

“You’re right,” I say.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.” She cups her hand beneath her ear. “Can you please repeat that?”

I slap the back of my hand against the outside of her thigh. “Don’t be a ball buster.”

She grins. “But hearing you admit you were wrong is so much fun.”

“I wasn’t aware I was rushing to his defense. And now that you’ve got me thinking about how I have been, I don’t understand why I do it.”

“Because he’s a gaslighting dickhead.”

“I know he is.”

“Yeah, but he plays on the fact that you’re a good person and you have history together.”

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