Page 12 of So Hollow

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“I’ll do that.”

Faith walked in a circle around the scene and tried to imagine the killer’s actions. It was difficult to know for sure how the crime had started or where the actual murder was committed. With no blood splatter to tell her where Samantha Reynard was killed, she could only guess at the timeline.

The killer had entered through the fire escape. “Where’s the fire escape?” she asked.

“Bedroom,” Hilary replied. “Through that door.”

Faith walked into the bedroom. Like the living room, the bedroom was simple and comfortable. This room had a tv sitting opposite the bed, Evidently, Samantha watched her shows in here.

The fire escape was just outside the window on the wall opposite the door. Faith followed the killer’s path from the window around the bed to the door. She turned and saw that from where she was standing, the living room was hidden.

So he sneaked up to the living room, she thought,and hid here just around the corner.

She crouched low. From here, she could see anyone standing up in the living room, while the shadows cast by an unlit hallway at night would keep her from view.

“He waited here for his chance,” Faith deduced, “and when her back was turned, he struck. I’m thinking she probably finished her routine, then either went to the kitchen to make dinner or sat down in the easy chair. He crept up behind her, grabbed her and snap.”

“Then he takes her clothes off,” Matt continues. “Disposes of them somehow, positions her body and then sprinkles the powder on her.”

“So we have a good understanding of how,” Faith said. “What we don’t know is why.”

They fell silent for a little while, trying to digest the mystery behind these murders. The details were important here. Why naked? Why posed. What message was he trying to send?

She imagined being Samantha, finishing up her yoga routine for the evening and basking in the sense of peace and accomplishment that would come with such an action. Safe in her own home, the one place where no one should have to worry about being targeted. Then, hands slip around her neck, and before she can scream, her lights are turned off.

Turk trotted up to them, snorting in confusion.

“Found something, boy?”

As he had the day before at the Botanic Garden, Turk looked around pensively. He was close to something, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

"We'll get 'em, boy," she encouraged. "Don't worry about it."

Turk dipped his head and snorted irritably. Faith ruffled his fur, then stood straight. “How far away is the medical examiner’s office?”

“Close enough that we have time to stop for donuts and coffee if you want,” Hilary offered.

“I’m not hungry,” Faith demurred. “And we can get coffee later. This killer’s already moving fast, so we need to move faster.”

“I’m never one to turn down coffee,” Michael said, “but I agree with Faith. Two murders this close together always means a third one coming soon. I’d rather catch this guy before that happens.”

What he didn’t mention was that they had yet to succeed in stopping a killer before the third victim. Considering how many mysteries surrounded this case, Faith didn’t have a lot of confidence that this would be their first victory. Still, she allowed herself to hope. There was a first time for everything. Maybe thiswould be the first time she could solve a case without staring at the body of an innocent person murdered right under her nose.


Hilary dropped them off at the medical examiner’s office, then left for his precinct to look into the security footage and potential mutual associates of Cassidy and Samantha. The three agents identified themselves to the receptionist and were told that Dr. Test would meet them in his office.

Dr. Test was a barrel-chested man of around forty-five with a shaved head and a bushy brown beard. He reminded Faith of an old actor she'd seen in an adventure movie, but she couldn't quite remember which one.

He greeted them in a rich baritone. “Agents. Good to see you. Roger told me you’d be coming.”

“Roger?” Faith asked.

“Detective Hilary. He and I are good friends.”

“Ah. Well, we’re hoping you can help us understand what happened to Cassidy Holt and Samantha Reynard.”

He sighed, and a look of grief crossed his eyes. “I’ll tell you what I can. The cause of death was the severing of the spinal cord from the brain stem in both cases. It occurred both times as a result of extreme torsion of the cervical vertebrae.”

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