Page 8 of Redeeming

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Damn him and his stupid sexy voice.

Time to be a big girl and face the music.

“Can we just forget about last night?”

Okay . . . maybe not my mostadultishreasoning.

Whatever. Adulting is bullshit.

Callen’s eyes sparkle. “Not a chance, kitten. It’s not every day your best friend’s little sister strips naked in front of you.” He stabs half a damn pancake and shoves it into his mouth.

“Callen...” And,yes, I do hear how pouty I sound, but I can’t stop myself.

He washes the pancake down with coffee, watching me over the massive mug. “We don’t ever have to talk about it again. But you’re gonna need to keep your clothes on from now on.”

I roll my eyes, and he groans. “Best friend’s sister or not, Cait, you’re a beautiful woman, and you can’t go pulling that shit in front of me and expect me not to react.”

His hoarse voice holds me captive as my brain struggles to process his words, but I seem to be stuck on only one...beautiful.

I drop my feet to the floor and push my plate away, whispering, “You think I’m beautiful?”

Callen raises his eyes to the ceiling, and his chest expands with his deep breath.

“You know you’re beautiful, Caitlin.”

He says it so nonchalantly... like it’s the easiest thing he’s ever said but also somehow pains him to say. Meanwhile, his words just rocked me to my core. This man. The one I’ve wanted to look at me asmoresince I was old enough to know what a crush was. The boy who used to slay my dragons and may have managed to save me a time or ten before he turned into Kroydon Hills’ biggest manwhore just told me I’m beautiful. And now I’m just as pissed off as I am shocked and confused.

“If I’m so beautiful, why the hell did you put clothes back on me last night, Callen? I’m guessing that was a first for you. You don’t exactly go around town turning anyone else down.”

I regret the words the minute they leave my mouth, but it’s too late to take them back.

Callen’s jaw clenches as he stabs another stupid pancake.

“Nice to know exactly what you think of me, Cait.” He pushes back from the table, furious.Shit. “I’ve never taken advantage of any woman—drunk or otherwise impaired. I don’t need to, but thanks for that.”

“Callen. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

He shakes his head. “Happy birthday, Caitlin.”

My stomach churns as I watch him walk away.

Damn it.

There’s a soft knock on my door hours later before Bellamy opens it, takes one look at me sobbing on my bed, kicks off her ugly orthopedic sneakers, and curls up next to me. She looks at my TV for a moment, then fluffs the pillow behind her back. “Has he taken her out of the boat yet?”

I shake my head no. “She just saw the picture of the house in the paper.”

She slips her legs under the comforter because I like to keep the condo cold, but she hates being cold and snuggles up next to me. “Good. The boat and the swans are my favorite part.”

I turn to face my best friend. The only one I’ve ever had, and I didn’t even find her until my freshman year of college. She was new to the school and to the town so she wasn’t scared of my family the way everyone else around here is. By the time she found out who my dad is, we’d already cemented our friendship, and she’s been stuck with me since. “Did you finally bang Ross last night?”

Her half-assed shrug tells me all I need to know.

“That good, huh?”

Bellamy tucks her hands under her head. “Good is in the eye of the beholder.”

“Sorry,” I whisper and look back at the TV.

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