Page 21 of Redeeming

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He.Is. Sick.

I’m not sure if it’s the hangover or the way Cait left me spinning last night, but I can’t wrap my head around those three words.

He didn’t look sick.

He looked the same.

Strong. Healthy. Immortal.

You meet a shit-ton of guys with daddy issues when you play football. Some guys have dads who tried to relive their glory days through them. Those guys resent the sport.

Some felt like the only way to get their old man’s attention and approval was through the game. They’re generally douchebags with a chip on their shoulders. They make great defensive line guys. They’re angry. Anger works on the field.

I’ve met a few who’ve used football as a giant fuck you to their father because they didn’t want to be the doctor or lawyer their parents expected them to be, and this was the best way to get away from the expectations.

It was never like that for me.

There were constant expectations, but they were the kind that make you a better athlete and a better man. If you’re going to do something, you give it everything you’ve got. There’s no such thing as half-in. If you’re in, you’re 100 percent in. And I was in from the first time I held a football in my hand.

Late-night practices? Bring it on.

Extra time in the weight room? Works for me. Strength makes everything better.

Study tapes? I’m gonna study those fuckers until I know how many fucking freckles the dude lined up across from me on game day has. I’ll know every play. I’ll know plays they haven’t come up with yet. No one is ever going to accuse me of being unprepared. And they’re sure as hell never going to question my right to wear the Kings black and gold. It’s the only colors I’ve ever wanted to wear.

When Declan was drafted to the Kings, he resented the hell out of it. I’ve heard the stories. The press used to say it wasdaddy ball.Yeah... that lasted one season until Dec took that ball and shoved it down all the doubters throats during the Super Bowl.

Dad likes to talk about the legacy you leave.

Our legacy is dominance.

Joe Sinclair took a mediocre team and created a dynasty.

One I’m proud as hell to be a part of.

Football is the greatest sport in the world, and I’m one of the best to ever play it.

I didn’t do it for my father or my brothers.

I did it because I fucking love it.

I’ve played battered, bruised, and injured, and there’s never been a single moment in my career where I haven’t wanted to be on that field...

Until today.

What happens when you take three hot hockey players and add one bad boy baller?

Well... every woman and more than a few men sitting at West End tonight were treated to the sum of that very equation when four incredibly gorgeous Sinclair men had dinner while the rest of us mere mortals sat wiping drool from our chins.

What is in the water in Kroydon Hills, and how do I get some?

#WhatsInTheWater #IdLikeToBeTheSumOfThatEquation #KroydonKronicles


“Swear to fuck, guys. It’s not like this everywhere. You’ve got to get the hell out of this town. They leave us alone in Chicago. I’m not in a constant fish tank.” Hendrix, Declan’s youngest son, looks between his older brothers and me, disgusted by the constant attention theKroydon Kroniclesshines on the local celebrities. Especially our friends and family.

“Dude, I’d be one of those little sucker sharks in a fish tank. Top of the food chain.”

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