Page 54 of The Warlord's Lady

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“I was tricked!”

“Wait, are you admitting you were dumb?” Fionna batted her lashes innocently as she kept riling up the entity possessing Lomar.

“Perhaps death is too good for you,” it huffed. “You need to be put in your place. To be made to beg for mercy. To scream as you are torn open by a cock?—”

Kormac almost swung at that last threat, but Fionna handled it first.

“Ah yes, the good ol’ rape threat. If I wasn’t sure before, I definitely know you’re male now. Whenever confronted by a strong woman, you think you can shut us up with your shaft. Bring it near me and I’ll show you what witches do to rapists. We make eunuchs look well-endowed.”

“Argh!” The thing heaved against the chains binding it and banged against the wall, shouting incoherently.

“Enough. You’re hurting Lomar’s body,” she sternly stated with a wave of her hands.

Lomar froze in place. The body did anyhow. The eyes—dark pits of evil—glared, yet its voice remained unfettered. “I won’t be so easily subdued when I’m free. Your power is nothing compared to mine.”

“Agreed, your magic is unlike that of the witches. The threads are not a color I recognize.”

“You are gazing upon the might of death magic,” it boasted. “And before you ask, it’s long been banned. Humans and their morals,” it mocked. “They quiver at the thought of sacrificing for greatness and that is why they will always be weak.”

“Says the monster beaten by us.”

“Filthy cunt!” it spat, but it could do nothing else as its limbs remained frozen. A sobering reminder of just what Fionna could do with seemingly little effort. It might explain why Airiok had witches eradicated during his time. But was the reason fear, or something else?

“I think I’ve heard enough from you.” With a wave of her hand, the monster lost its voice and Fionna studied Lomar’s body intently before turning to say, “I’ve seen enough. Put the medallion on.”

Kormac draped it over Lomar’s head and knew it worked by the change in the gaze.

Without any noticeable movement, Fionna released Lomar from her spell, and he slumped, mumbling, “Sorry.”

“For what? I knew what to expect when I asked to speak with the thing using your body,” she stated to reassure Lomar.

“And all you got were insults. Nothing useful.” Lomar sighed.

“Not true. The creature revealed more than it realized. I think I’ll be ready to try something in a day or two. I just need to gather a few items before I attempt the removal.”

“Really?” It wasn’t just Lomar who exclaimed in surprise.

“Don’t get too excited. What I want to try might not work.”

“At least you haven’t told me it’s hopeless, though.” Lomar smiled, a genuine thing that lit up his face. “Thank you.”

A phrase repeated by Kormac as they exited the dungeon.

“Don’t thank me. I haven’t freed him yet.”

“You will,” he stated with confidence. “You’re too smart not to figure this out.” He noted the pink in her cheeks at the compliment.

“Amelia says I’m too brash.”

“That would be your Srayth blood coming out.”

She snorted. “If you say so.”

“These items you require, how can I help gather them?”

“You can’t. The tools I need must have specific traits that only I will recognize. I will hit your market tomorrow. While there, I might visit Lady Frieda to see if she has artifacts with the symbols.”

“Not alone.”

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