Page 46 of The Warlord's Lady

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The next page showed a dragon.

She tapped it. “There’s been an influx of these beasts all over the continent, even versions of them at sea.”

“I saw one,” he admitted softly. “It was resting in the pass where we found the cave.”

“Where there’s one there will be more,” she warned. Her finger traced the writing beside the image of the dragon. “It says here that lances and spears with elekium tips work best against them. Aim for the chest or eyes. It also says if you see its mouth open wide, take cover.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because the big ones can spew acid or fire.”

While said so with all seriousness, he had a hard time believing it. Animals, even big and rare ones, did not exhale flames. And no, he didn’t care what the stories claimed. Fiction wasn’t reality.

The next book he grabbed had him hissing and dropping it. “It stung me,” he exclaimed, glaring at it.

“Hmm.” Fionna didn’t touch but did lean over to eye it. “It’s been spelled.”

“Why would anyone spell a book?”

“So only the right person reads it, I imagine.”

“Can you?”

“Perhaps, but I’ll need to disable the safeguard on it.”

“Can’t you just wave your hand and magic it off?”

“I could try but I’d rather not rush to remove the hex on it lest I destroy it by accident. I think I will start with Airiok’s book as it might tell me what’s in the spelled book before I waste time trying to open it.”

The last book appeared to be images and descriptions of items. He flipped through it only to pause on a page with a detailed drawing of his bracers. “I recognize these.” He pushed up his sleeves and for some reason shivered when she ran her finger over the metal encasing his forearms.

“They have the same symbols as the medallion Lomar wears, plus some,” she murmured. “Strength. Courage. Protection. Warning. And then there’s the one I don’t know plus two more…”

She traced them and while it wasn’t his skin, his mouth went dry, and his cock swelled. Might be time to spend an evening with a willing woman, seeing as how something so innocent had him hard.

More page turns brought them to a picture of the medallion. “This appears to be an inventory of items,” he surmised.

“Not just items, but ones capable of detecting and protecting against what is possessing your friend. Have you seen some of these in your citadel?”

“No. We’re not one for adornment,” he stated as they saw rings and more necklaces. The one that had him staring longest? A sword of great length. He tapped it. “I wonder what happened to this.”

“If it’s not in the armory perhaps tucked away in a storage room?”

“Possible, although we are not ones to keep things with no use. We tend to repurpose the materials.”

“Surely a blade like this wouldn’t have been melted down,” she murmured.

“If it cracked or broke, then yes, as even the best blacksmith couldn’t have repaired it.”

“Lomar mentioned a woman in town who might be in possession of some old artifacts.”

“Lady Frieda.”

“You know her?”

“Everyone does. My father almost married her daughter, but she ran off with a travelling merchant. Which wasn’t a bad thing since he met my mother soon after.”

“And didn’t run away?” she quipped.

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