Page 104 of The Warlord's Lady

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She cried out when she came, nails digging into his flesh, her sex clenching even harder.

And while she’d yet to say yes, he knew in his heart he’d found his lady for life.


The took their time on the journey back, partially because they stopped in villages along the way. Fionna wanted to check and make sure those nearest the cave didn’t show lingering signs of infection by Koschei.

So far, everyone seemed fine, including her. She’d been fearful that by using the entity’s aura, she’d taint herself, or invite part of its evil in. However, she saw no indication that any of Koschei remained.

While they did encounter some monsters on their return trip—a group of dire wolves who thought them easy prey but ran off when they realized the duo had bite, a dragon who wanted their horse for a snack and who bugled indignantly when Fionna singed its wing—the craziness of before did not repeat.

The animals acted according to their natures and not because they were forced to.

One thing that hadn’t changed?

Kormac’s mother.

The moment they arrived she emerged from the citadel, wailing, “My son. You’ve returned. I was ever so worried about you.”

“I’m fine, Mother.” Kormac did a wonderful job not rolling his eyes.

“And I see you brought the witch back with you.” Silia’s lips curled as she muttered a low, “Pity.”

Gurlok neared and asked, “Did you succeed?”

Kormac didn’t exactly lie when he said, “Lomar’s been handled. As has the situation in the Pass.”


“And how were things during my absence?” Kormac asked.

His father launched into an explanation of the new ballistae and how they’d only had one dragon dare fly by. While they’d not taken it down, they’d nicked it and managed to turn it aside.

As the men spoke, Silia sidled close to Fionna and hissed, “Guess you’ll be going home now.”

It gave Fionna great pleasure to say, “No, actually, I’ll be staying.”

“Why?” snapped Silia. “There’s nothing left for you here.”

“Wrong,” Kormac stated, joining them. He slid an arm around Fionna’s waist. “The lady has graciously accepted the offer to be my wife.”

“Wife!” Silia fainted and, judging by the lack of reaction all around, it wasn’t something new as even Gurlok didn’t bother trying to catch her graceful fall to the ground.

He did, however, shake his son’s hand and beam. “Excellent choice, son. Fionna will make a fine wife.”

Silia wasn’t alone in being unhappy. Amelia took the news in stride but didn’t hide her sadness. “I had a dream once you left on this journey that you wouldn’t come home. I’m just glad it’s for a happy reason.”

“You know I’ll still visit,” Fionna stated.

“I should hope so, and now that we can resume diplomatic relations with Srayth, I hope to do the same. After all, my grandbabies will need spoiling.”

Babies? As in more than one?

Fionna hadn’t ever pictured herself as a mother, but cupping her flat belly couldn’t exactly say she was averse. A mini Kormac swinging a sword. A daughter to fling fireballs. A future she suddenly could imagine and wanted.

A feast was held in their honor where her grandmother beamed, not because Fionna would be marrying the warlord, but because she’d be close enough for them to build a relationship. Life was good, and Fionna owed it all to the warlord she’d been prepared to hate.

A warlord who grumbled when Fionna’s grandmother insisted she stay with her until the wedding because anything else wasn’t proper.

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