Page 71 of Salvation

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“Goodbye,” I whispered, pressing my hand to the cool glass as the plane lifted into the air.

As the city below disappeared beneath the clouds, I closed my eyes and let the tears fall freely. I was going home, but I had never felt more lost.

Chapter 34


“Please explain to me why you aren’t going after her?” Wren said, for the third time.

I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair as I looked at her. The concern in her eyes was evident, but it did nothing to soothe the ache in my chest.

“Because it’s what she wanted, Wren,” I said, my voice low and tired. “And... it’s what I want too.”

Wren’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “You don’t want her in your life? After everything you two have been through?”

I shook my head, turning to look out the window. The estate grounds stretched out before me, lush and green in the early evening light. But all I could see was Kat’s face, the mix of love and sorrow in her eyes as I held her last night. She didn’t give me the opportunity to beg her to stay one moretime, as she snuck out before I awoke.

“Of course I didn’t want her to leave,” I said softly. “But I want her to be happy, to be safe. And she can’t have that here, not with this life anyway.”

I could feel Wren’s eyes on me, studying me intently. “And what about your happiness, Rory? Doesn’t that count for anything?”

I turned back to face her, a sad smile tugging at my lips. “My happiness isn’t more important than her safety. You didn’t see her face when she talked about leaving, Wren. She needed this. She needed to get away from all of this.”

I gestured around us, encompassing the grand house. “We’ve been living in a bubble, pretending we could have a normal life. But we can’t. Not really. Every day she was here, she was in danger.”

Wren stepped closer, placing a hand on my arm. “But you love her. Isn’t that worth fighting for?”

I closed my eyes, remembering the feel of Kat in my arms, the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes lit up when she smiled. “Love isn’t always enough,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “Sometimes, loving someone means letting them go.”

I moved away from her, walking over to the liquor cabinet and pouring myself a generousmeasure of whiskey. The amber liquid burned as I swallowed, a welcome distraction from the pain in my chest.

“You know what the worst part is?” I said, not really expecting an answer. “A part of me is relieved. Relieved that she’s out of danger, that I don’t have to worry about her getting caught in the crossfire.”

I turned back to Wren, seeing the mixture of sympathy and frustration in her eyes. “But that same part of me feels like a coward. Like I should have fought harder, found a way to make it work.”

She shook her head. “You’re not a coward Rory. You’re one of the bravest men I know. And sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is let go of what we love most. But you’re still an idiot for letting her walk away.”

I chuckled, grateful for her understanding. We stood in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy between us.

“So, what now?” she asked finally.

I drained the last of my whiskey, feeling the burn all the way down to my stomach. Christ, I really needed to stop drinking. “Now, I do what I’ve always done. Protect the family, do my jobs, and try to stay alive.”

Wren raised an eyebrow. “And Kat?”

I set the glass down, my jaw clenching. “Kat is gone. We leave her alone, let her live the life she wants.”

“And if she comes back?”

The question hit me like a brick. I’d been trying not to think about that possibility, knowing it would only lead to more heartache.

“She won’t,” I said firmly, more to convince myself than Wren.

She opened her mouth as if to argue but seemed to think better of it. Instead, she simply nodded and headed for the door.

“For what it’s worth,” she said, pausing in the doorway, “I think you’re both making a mistake. But I hope you find peace with your decision.”

As the door closed behind her, I turned back to the window, watching the sun sink lower in the sky.

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