Page 5 of Salvation

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While they get down and dirty, I clear my throat because clearly, they forgot that I am in the room, and they pull apart looking guiltily at me.

Wren giggles. “Sorry,” she says, smoothing her hair in place. “What about the rest of the stuff in the safe?”

“Might as well go through it,” Declan says, handing me a box with flowers on it. “See what’s in that, while I count how many piles of cash the old man had hidden in here.”

I lift the lid of the box to find a stack of photos. The one on top is of a young teenage girl staring up at me with boxing gloves on, standing in a fighter’s stance. Pulling them out, I’m halfway through looking at them when I realize they are of the same girl. I hold out the latest photo to Declan, “Who is this?”

He takes it from me and studies it. “Hell, if I know. Is that all that’s in the box, pictures of this girl?”

I shake my head as I look at a stack of letters. Looks to be love letters if the flowery scent is anyindication. “These.” I hold them up.

Wren wrinkles her nose. “What’s that smell? It smells like Chantilly Lace.” She takes the letters from me and starts sniffing them. “Oh my god it is! My mother used to wear this perfume. What else is in there?”

I shuffle through the box and start calling out everything I see. “A receipt from Sears, a copy of a Katrina George’s birth certificate, a paternity test—”

“A what?!” Declan and Wren say at the same time.

I start to repeat myself when Declan says, “We heard you the first time. Let me see that.”

He takes the box from me and starts going through it. I watch as he takes the paternity test out and starts to read it. He looks right at me. “Sonofabitch. You know what this means don’t you?”

Wren shakes her head as I say, “No?”

He looks stunned. “It means that this girl is my half sister. My dad is her father.”

“That’s awesome!” Wren claps her hands. “Now I have a sister-in-law.”

Declan shakes his head. “No, it’s not Wren. It’s not awesome. It means that she’s blood, and she can take over the spot as Captain.”

“How? She looks like she’s sixteen and knows nothing about the family,” I say in disbelief.

“It’s an old photo.” He flipped it over and read the date written on it. “‘Katrina, 2008, 16 years old’.She’s the same age as me, and she’s blood, Rory,” he says. “It always passes to blood if they want it. None of my cousins did, I don’t blame them, they all have successful careers, and no one wanted it. That’s why it will pass to you or would if she doesn’t want it.”

Wren takes a paper from the box and holds it up. “Her mother’s name is Dahlia and here’s her phone number.”

I snatched it from her and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I didn’t want the position of Captain, but sure as shit, I wasn’t allowing an outsider to take over, especially a woman.

I punched the number into my phone and waited, hand on my hip for her to answer. She picked up the fifth ring.

A soft, “Hello?” sounded in my ear. “Dry as a Bone, how can I help you?”

“Who the fuck is this?”

“Excuse me? Who the fuck is this? You are the one who called me!”

“That’s beside the point. Now tell me who you are.”

“Go fuck yourself.”

The phone made a noise, and I looked at it, scowling. “She hung up on me!”

“Give me that!” Wren stood up and snatched the phone and the paper out of my hands. “Do you blame her?”

Chapter 3


I can’t help but crank Ely Eria’s song ‘This is the Beginning’ up, as I fly down the busiest highway in North America, the 401. It soothes me for some strange reason. Because I’ve been a mix of excitement and anxiety ever since I got the phone call that changed everything. It’s a feeling that something is going to happen once I get to my destination, I just don’t know what, and I’m not sure I’m going to like it.

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