Page 44 of Salvation

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I nodded, pushing aside the confusing mix of adrenaline and attraction coursing through me. “Lead the way.”

We crept along the edge of the warehouse, staying low and using the crates as cover. The gunfire was sporadic now, interrupted by shouts in Russian. I caught glimpses of shadowy figures moving in the smoke, but I couldn’t tell who they were.

Suddenly, a hulking Russian appeared from behind a forklift, his gun trained on Rory. Without thinking, I launched myself at him. My fist connected with his jaw as I swept his legs out from under him. He went down hard, his gun skittering across the concrete floor.

“Your leg Kat! You shouldn’t have done that,” Rory said, concern etching his voice.

I winced at the pain. A reminder that my leg still wasn’t completely healed. “Yeah. I’m going to pay for that come tomorrow.”

He helped me up, and half carried me to the exit, five feet from it a single shot rang out, the bullet struck the wall inches from my head.

“Fuck!” I squeaked, diving through the doorway. Rory was right behind me, slamming the door shut, then he jammed it with a metal pipe he found laying on the ground.

Outside, the cool night air was a shock after the smoky warehouse. In the distance, I could hearsirens approaching.

“Cops are on the way,” I panted. “Wren must have—”

My words were cut off as Rory suddenly pulled me close, his lips crashing into mine. For a moment, I was too stunned to react. Then, I found myself kissing him back, all the tension and fear of the night pouring into that one desperate act.

When we finally broke apart, both breathing heavily, Rory’s eyes were dark with a mix of desire and something that looked suspiciously like guilt.

“I shouldn’t have done that,” he murmured.

Before I could respond, Declan and Connor came running from around the building.

“Don’t just stand there guys! Gotta go!” Declan yelled as they ran past.

“What? Why? Kat can’t run!!” Rory said as he scooped me up into his arms.

“Put me down, you idiot!” I hissed, but Rory’s grip only tightened as he started running after Declan and Connor.

“Not a chance, darlin’,” he panted. “Your leg’s busted, and we’ve got bigger problems than your pride right now.”

As if on cue, an explosion rocked the night behind us. The force of it nearly knocked Roryoff his feet, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling.

“Jesus Christ!” I yelped. “What the hell was that?”

“Insurance policy,” Declan called back over his shoulder. “Can’t leave any evidence for the cops.”

We rounded a corner, and I saw a black SUV idling at the curb. Wren was behind the wheel, her face a mask of concentration as she scanned the street.

“About fucking time!” she shouted as we approached. “Get in, you idiots!”

Connor yanked open the rear door, and Rory practically tossed me inside before climbing in after me. Declan took shotgun, and we peeled away from the curb just as another explosion lit up the night sky.

“You know,” I said, trying to catch my breath as Wren weaved through traffic like a maniac, “When you said you wanted me to go undercover this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, Declan.”

My half-brother glanced back at me, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. “What can I say, Kat? Family bonding time got a little out of hand.”

“A little?” I scoffed. “You guys just blew up a warehouse full of Russian mobsters! Has Marcuseven been found yet?”

“Oh yeah.” Wren piped up. “That’s the funny part. Chris and Max picked him up, after we left, trying to sneak back into the club. They took him to the house.”

Declan whipped his head in her direction. “The house?! What the fuck for?”

She shrugged. “They were worried that Volkov knew about the warehouse.”

Rory let out a low whistle. “Well, that complicates things. Volkov’s not gonna be happy when he finds out his buddy is at the estate.”

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