Page 32 of Salvation

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I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t quite suppress the spark of excitement that flared in my chest at the way he said weapon. As I sit down, I ask, “Are you sure this is going to work?”

“Of course it will. And if it doesn’t, I’ll just carry you out to the range.”

While he starts to wheel me out, I caught Connor’s knowing smirk, he knew exactly what happened between Rory and me last night.

Chapter 17


I took Kat out as far as the patio and then carried her the rest of the way down the stone steps to the awaiting golf cart. From there we drove between the barn and the pond to the far end of it.

Declan thought it was a great idea to get her out practicing some shots, in hopes that I could gain some information about the night we completed the hit on Knox, her grandfather.

“Steady now,” I instructed, as I held her still.

My hand guided hers as she aimed the pistol at the round straw bale set 20 feet away. The weight of the gun seemed to rest naturally in her palm— she made it look easy.

“Like this?” her voice was a mixture of doubt and anxiety.

“Exactly like that.” I nodded, “I’m going to let you go now.” Stepping back, though my gaze neverleft her stance. “Now, squeeze the trigger gently. Don’t jerk it.”

The shot fractured the silence around the estate, echoing off the distant trees. She nailed the center of the target, and I raised an eyebrow, impressed despite myself.

“Good shot,” I acknowledge grudgingly. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

A smirk played on her lips as she lowered the weapon. “I’m sure.”

“Right.” I had serious doubts that she had never shot a gun before. But I let it slide. “So, your granddad Knox...” I ventured casually, reloading the pistol to hand it back to her. “Were you and him close?”

She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly, acknowledging the shift in conversation. “Close enough, I suppose,” she said, taking the gun back. “He taught me a few things.”

I reached out, adjusting her grip on the gun and my fingers trailed along her soft skin. I cursed under my breath. My mind immediately flew to last night when she laid in my arms. “Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot,” I barked.

She nodded, with a quick jerk of her chin. “And when I’m ready?”

“Then you aim true and pull withouthesitation.” My hand lingered on hers a moment longer than necessary. “Second guesses will get you killed out there.”

“I’m not the second-guessing type.” There was a flicker of something in her eyes. As if she was reminding me that last night was a one-time thing… maybe.

I crossed my arms and stepped back. “No, I don’t suppose you are.”

Silence stretched, as she took her aim.

“Your form’s good,” I said, nodding at the target. “Keep that up and you’ll be a regular sharpshooter in no time.”

She scoffed, but I caught the hint of a smile. “Flattery will get you nowhere Hennessy.”

“Who said anything about flattery?” I grinned, easing the tension just a bit. “I’m just stating facts.”

She shook her head, but the smile lingered. And for a moment, standing there in the bright sunlight with the scent of gunpowder sharp in the air, it was almost easy to forget that I had a job to do and find out exactly what she saw that night. Almost.

I noticed she started favoring her leg and said, “That’s it for today. Let’s pack it up.”

She didn’t argue and handed me the pistol, but the questions I couldn’t bring myself to ask burnedin my throat. Because I knew Declan would be questioning me as soon as I walked in the house.

“You were close with your grandfather, right?” I kept my tone casual, like I was asking about the weather.

She squinted at me. “You already asked me that.”

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