Page 13 of Salvation

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“Because remember when my dad kicked me out of his room today?”

The gears started turning in my brain. “… yeah.”

“Somehow, he miraculously remembered that I was stepping down and told Kat that she can take over as Captain.”

My blood drained from my face. “Oh fuck.”

“Yeah, oh fuck is right. Now she knows, and she also knows that she can challenge for the position. He told her she can take over, Rory!”

The light turned green, and I tromped on the gas pedal. “There’s no fucking way I’m going to allow that to happen.”

I could hear his breath hiss out between his teeth. “We need to come up with a plan. She can’t take over without learning the business for at least 90 days.”

A set of train tracks lay ahead of me, and I didn’t even slow down. The cube van bounced so hard as I sailed over them my head hit the headliner. But that didn’t stop me. I was on a mission. “It’s easy, send her with someone doing the dirty jobs. She will run back to Alaska with her tail tucked between her legs.”

“Nevada. She’s from Nevada,” Declan muttered.

“I don’t care if she’s from butt fuck nowhere. You send her on those jobs, I guarantee she won’t want it. Send her with Pete or Dylan, they always have the shittiest jobs.”

Declan sighed, “I think you’re right. Anyway, hurry up and get here. Don’t worry about unloading the truck, I’ll get Ian and Charlie to off load it into your wing of the house.”

I nod, as if he can see me and say, “Alright. We will be there in twenty minutes.”


“Derek, I don’t know what to do. I think I should come home.”

I’m pacing back and forth in my room as I talk to him and suddenly stop. “Because Tomas may remember me now, but he might not tomorrow, and Declan likely hates me. I mean, would you want to stay where you’re not wanted?” I shake my head and grab my bag. “Nope. I’m just gonna pack and head home.”

“Kat you haven’t even found out what the family business is. They could be the owners of a literal gold mine, and you want to walk away from that?”

“Pfft! Hardly,”—I start stuffing my clothes into my bag— “Gold mine owners don’t have Captains. They’re the Irish mob, clearly, and I don’t want any part of that! I have a bad enough time fighting off the bikers that come into the bar.”

“Who cares if they are the mob? That means they have connections.”

I stopped packing for a second. I could hear the grin that I knew he was sporting come over the air waves.

“You’re joking with me, right? They… they are probably into prostitution and… and extortion and shit. I don’t want any part of that!”

A knock on the door had me spinning around to look at it.

“Just hear them out Kat, that’s all I’m saying. And if you don’t like what they say, you leave, it’s as simple as that.”

“Yeah, that’s if they let me leave!” I say in a hushed tone. “I gotta go, someone is at my door.”

I stared at it as I stuffed my phone into my back pocket and jumped as it visibly shook with a bang.Great, now they’re going to kill me, and no one will ever know.


My door flung open, and Rory raced inside with the largest dog I’ve ever seen snapping at his heels. He jumped on the bed and grabbed me by the shoulders. Shoving me towards the dog he yelled, “Eat her instead!”

The second the beast and I met eyes he calmed right down and sat at my feet.

“Well, aren’t you a handsome boy?” I croonedkneeling before him. I slowly held my hand out for him to sniff and was rewarded with a lick of his tongue.

“What the fuck did you just do to that dog?” Rory asked.

I looked over my shoulder to where he still stood on my bed. “What are you talking about? You just saw what happened!”

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