Page 8 of Her Christmas Wish

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“None of your concern and burned.” He turned to the closet and pulled a nightgown from a drawer. Turning back, he looked at her, gauging her reaction. “We burned your stuff.”

“You burned my phone?” Brit said, expressionless. She would never give him the satisfaction, knowing just how much that hurt her. All her photos from when her mother was still alive were on that phone. Her only memories of her.

“Yup. You won’t be needing any of that.” He lowered his hand and caught a silky strand of her hair between his fingers. “Not for what I have in mind for you.”

Brit cringed at that. And she had every time he showed her any kind of attention, which was every day. She had learned to shut down after the first time because the more she protested the worse it was. She was living a hell, losing all hope, until one day she heard screaming downstairs.


“AVA! HOW’S IT GOING?” Luke asked, as he piled his groceries in the trunk of his car. He’d been home for two weeks since his mom’s wedding and had been eating out every day since his return. It had been long overdue to get some real food in his apartment.

“It’s good. When are you heading back up here for Christmas?” she asked.

“Probably mid-December. Why?”

“I wanted to see if you could do me a favour and get Mark a gift for me. I can’t find anything for him, including in Springbank.”

“Yeah, I can do that.” He slammed the lid of the trunk closed. “What is it you’re looking for?”

“He has everything that’s just it. I don’t know what to get him.”

Luke could hear the frustration in her voice. With him being an actor, he probably did have everything and if he didn’t, he would just go out and buy it.

“Does he play video games?” Luke asked as he took the shopping cart to the cart corral.

“That, he doesn’t have!”

“I’ll tell you what. The new game that I was working on before I came up for the wedding came along with a new gaming system preloaded with a ton of games. So new, it’s not even in stores yet and won’t be until two weeks before Christmas. You can give it to him.”

“No, I can’t do that!”

“You can. It’s something he won’t have and it’s sitting in my closet collecting dust. Besides, it’s a virtual reality system. He’ll love it,” he said walking back to his car.

“If you’re sure...”

Luke could hear she was relieved. “Of course, I’m sure.”

“I’ll get him some little things to go along with it. Thank you for the offer. So, when—”

“Hold on a second, I’m getting in my car and the Bluetooth is going to kick in,” he got behind the wheel and started the engine. “Okay. You’re welcome. What were you going to say?”

“I was going to ask when you’re coming back up,” Ava said.

Putting the car into drive, he pulled out of the parking spot and headed to the exit. “Right, you asked that before. I don’t know. Maybe in a month.”

“A month? That’s too long. You need to move up here with the rest of us,” Ava said.

“To Pearl Lake? No thanks!”

“Why not? Your whole family is here. Besides, I thought you and Brit hit it off pretty good.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure about her. She seems...”

“She seems what?”

“Distant. Unapproachable. And way out of my league,” Luke laughed.

Ava snorted. “Hardly. Yes, she’s beautiful but you’ve dated women before that were just as beautiful as her... well, almost. Anyway, I like her, and she’s so down to earth. Not like the others you’ve dated before.”

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