Page 60 of Her Christmas Wish

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He stopped his downward flight and she crashed into him “I said, call the cops. No, don't do that.”

“What?! Make up your damn mind!!”

“Never mind, I’ll find her and bring her back here.” He pushed open the door and stepped onto the landing. Crossing over it, he went straight across to the bookcase and thumbed the lever. It pained him to step in there, but it was the quickest way to the kitchen and his coat.

Kim followed him every step of the way demanding to know what the hell was going on. Once in the kitchen, he grabbed his coat off the hook behind the door and turned to his aunt.

“Listen to me carefully Kim and don’t interrupt with a hundred questions.” When she nodded mutely, he continued. “I need you to go down the east wing to the room in the corner where the two hallways meet.”


“I need you to go there and knock on the door. A man is going to answer it, Declan, probably looking like he could bite your head off. If you ask him too many questions he will. Just tell him she ran and to meet me at the farm.”

“The emu farm?”

Luke thought a minute, the less she knew the better. “No, another farm. Don’t worry about it, he knows which farm it is. Now go!”

Kim took off running as fast as her chubby legs would allow and Luke slipped out the kitchen door, racing to Ben’s car as he tried Brit’s number. When she didn’t pick up, he tossed it to the passenger seat and started the engine before tearing out of the parking lot and down the laneway.

He wasn’t entirely sure that was where she went, but she had no other place to go on foot. And in her mind, the only place no one would think to look for her.

Chapter 22

Luke cut the engineat the bend in the road after he had pulled it to the shoulder. Like before he could see the buildings from where he sat, only this time there were lights glowing from the windows. Downstairs was lit up like a Christmas tree but the most concerning light to Luke was the one that shone in the upstairs window, right next to the bent tv tower. The window that Brit had been held captive in.

Getting out of the car, he went around to the back and opened the trunk. There sat a tire iron like it had been placed there just for him. Grabbing it up, he gently lowered the trunk lid with a soft thud and made his way through the trees towards the house, a car pulling up behind him halted him momentarily. Declan and three other men got out of the car and joined him on the side of the road.

“Would it kill you to offer clearer directions next time?” Declan asked, then gestured toward the residence. “Seen any signs of life yet?”

“Nothing so far,” Luke replied, his breath misting in the cold air. “No shadows or movement from inside.”

“Alright, my crew will take the outbuildings,” Declan decided, studying Luke with a hint of concern. “You sure you're up to going in the house alone, or do you want company?”

“With this, I'll be fine,” Luke answered, waving the tire iron.

Declan clucked his tongue. “Seriously? Planning to hurl that at him, are you? Roger,” he called out, and a man promptly handed him a handgun. “Here, better to be armed than sorry.”

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