Page 57 of Her Christmas Wish

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“What is it?” Mark asked, rushing to her side. “Who was that on the phone?”

She put a hand to her forehead and looked up at him. “That was Vince. My spa is on fire!”

Chapter 20

It had been a weeksince the fire at the spa, yet the smell of smoke still lingered in the air. Luckily no one was injured other than Tim, with minor burns and getting cut by broken glass when he jumped into the burning building. After he and Evelyn had got into a fight, he told her to go home and within the hour after she had left his place the spa was ablaze. Brit could only imagine the guilt and terror ripping through them; Tim when he had raced out into the wintry night barefoot, thinking the woman he loved was trapped and Evelyn standing on the ground seeing him with his head out the window as the flames licked his back. Brit shivered at the thought of it as she balled the bed sheets that she had stripped from the bed she was making.

“You know, I’m kinda getting used to this,” Luke said, popping his head out of the adjoining bathroom. “I’m almost done in here. Just need to rinse the shower stall.” He pulled his cellphone from his back pocket as he came into the room and put it on the dresser, something he did in every room because he was afraid of getting it wet.

“Oh, so you’re getting used to contorting your body just to clean a shower?” She laughed, as she tossed the sheets to the floor.

He sidled up to her and curled a finger under her chin. “Yeah,” He nodded as his gaze dropped to her lips. “It’s giving me ideas on what moves I can make on you.” He brushed his mouth over hers and murmured, “Wanna try some out? I’ll lock the door.”

She burst out laughing. “Kim will have your ass in a sling if you do that! We still have four more rooms to clean, and I work the dinner shift tonight.”

“Then I guess I better get a move on!” With one last kiss he headed back into the bathroom and Brit headed over to the cart to snag the feather duster from it. She had made a thorough sweep of the room and was headed towards the dresser when Luke’s phone lit up.

Normally she wouldn’t be one to snoop at another’s phone, but this wasn’t a normal notification. Her heart pounded in her throat as she set the feather duster down as she picked up his phone. It was a text message with two simple words,“I’m here.”

But it wasn’t the words but whom they were from; Declan MacGallan...

“Hey,”— Luke called out from the bathroom— “how about after we are done in this room, we head on down to the dining room and get a bite to eat?”

Carefully she returned his phone to where it was and took a breath. “I...Ah Hum.” She stopped to swallow the lump in her throat and hoped it would steady her shaky voice. “Kim just texted me; she needs me downstairs asap.”

He appeared at the door. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “She just needs me to try something on... for the ball.”

“Oh. Well, I’ll come with you. I’d love to see whatever it is.”

“No, no you stay here and finish up. She specifically said not to tell you as it’s a surprise so don’t mention it to her.” She made her way to the door and clenched the handle. “I’ll meet you in the dining room in a half hour?”

He nodded. “Okay sounds good, I’ll make the bed and finish up here. Wait a minute.” He set the cleaner on the dresser beside his phone and made his way over to her and pulled her in his arms. “C’mere, did you really think I would let you leave without a kiss?”

Brit felt the tears burn her throat as his lips captured hers. Despite his betrayal and lies, she clung to him like he was her lifeline, knowing that this was the last kiss they would ever share.

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