Page 25 of Her Christmas Wish

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Chapter 10

As Christmas musicplayed softly, and the fireplace roaring, Brit realized she wasn’t used to sitting around watching the antics of others. But there she was, along with Luke in the wingback chairs where the Christmas tree once stood. Together they watched in amused silence as Dean, Kim and Jasmine wrangled the 12-foot tree from the corner where they were sitting, halfway to its destination, in front of the window.

They both offered to help, Luke even going as far as taking the tree on one side while Dean grabbed the other. Only to have Kim usher him back to his chair.

He leaned towards Brit and nudged her arm. “I don’t know about you but watching them is painful.”

Brit smiled and nodded. “It is. If Kim was just a bit taller it might help.”

“Rock it back and forth you guys,” Kim yelled. “At this rate the damn thing isn’t going to have any needles left.”

“It was your idea to move it,” Dean huffed. “I’m going to tip it, you two take the top and I’ll get the bottom.” They did just that, but Kim lost her grip and in a spray of pine needles the tree fell to the floor.

Luke couldn’t stand it a second longer. “I’m going in, wish me luck.” He then winked at her as he got up from the chair.

“Hang on, I’m coming too.”

They each grabbed a section despite very loud protests from Kim. “Get your butts back in those chairs now!”

Ignoring her, Dean said, “Everyone ready? Let’s go.”

In one smooth motion, they all carried the tree to the window. Carefully they stood it in its stand and waited until Dean tightened it down.

Dusting his hands off, Luke looked at Kim. “There, that wasn’t so bad now, was it?”

“Yes, it was. Now both of you go sit your asses down and take your temperatures.” Turning to Jasmine and Dean she said, “Let’s get this puppy decorated.”


“SO, THIS IS BORING,” Luke said around the thermometer in his mouth as it beeped.

Brit laughed as she took it from his mouth and looked at it. “We’re both normal.”

“Well, that’s questionable for me, but whatever.”

She laughed and stood up. “Do you want something to drink? I’m thinking of making some hot cocoa.”

“From scratch?”

She nodded and started crossing the room to the front foyer. “The only way to drink it,” she said.

“Only if I can help.” He got up and followed her.

“Wait.” Kim stopped what she was doing and looked at the two of them. “Where are you two going?”

“Well, if you must know my darling Aunt, I need to take a wiz and Brit is going to make everyone hot chocolates... from scratch.”

Dean, who was hanging a strand of lights, burst out laughing while Jasmine snickered.

Not missing a beat, Kim shot back. “Then do it sitting down!”

Luke rolled his eyes and laughed as he followed Brit down the hallway. When they got to the kitchen, he looked at Brit. “I love my aunt... but how the hell do you put up with her nagging all the time?” he asked, taking five mugs from the cupboard.

Brit chuckled as she took a pot from under the counter. Setting it on the stove, she went to the fridge and took out the milk pitcher. “She’s not that bad, I notice she’s only like this when she’s in nurse mode.” Emptying the milk into the pot, she continued. “Believe me I’ve worked for worse people in the past than her.”

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