Page 11 of Her Christmas Wish

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Brit took a deep breath and tucked her feet underneath her. That wasn’t going to happen. “Nothing happened back there. Nothing I can’t handle on my own at least.”

Kim leaned forward. “Can I ask you something?”

She shrugged. “Sure, I may not answer you though...”

“Fair enough. Were you and Brian an actual couple?”

Brit sat silent for a moment thinking. If she told Kim the truth that they were not, then that would raise some red flags for sure. But if she told her they were, would she believe her and drop it? The thing that Brit feared more than anything was being found. Despite what she had gone through at the hands of that vile man, she was in a way, glad that she did...

Finally, she looked at her and said, “Sorta.”

“Oh...” Kim bobbed her head up and down, “...okay.”

“Yeah...” Brit sneaked a glance at her to see if she bought it. From the look on Kim’s face, she had... at least for now.

The flash of headlights on the window had them both turning to see Dean pulling in the laneway followed by another car.

Brit stood. “I think I’ll head to bed now,” she said, holding her glass in her hand.

“Alright then.” Kim stood too and held out her hand. “Dean and I will be heading into the kitchen so he can eat, I’ll take your glass for you.”

Brit handed it to her. “Thanks. Have a goodnight,” she replied as she made her way into the front foyer.

“You too,” Kim said.

The front door opened and in walked Dean followed by a police officer. It was Vince, the one they had seen earlier at the accident scene.

The second Brit saw him she turned tail and made her way to the stairs, intent on getting the hell out of there.

“Brit, can you wait a minute?” Dean asked.

She froze with one foot on the bottom step.

“Vince would like to talk to you for a minute,” he said.

Slowly she turned around and looked at the cop standing there. She didn’t want to talk to him but not doing so would only make her suspicious.

“Certainly,” she mumbled.

Vince looked at Kim and Dean and said, “In private...”

Kim jumped. “Oh, yes, of course!” She grabbed Dean by the arm. “Come on, you must be starving.”

“Officer, did you want anything to drink or eat?” Brit heard herself ask.

“A cup of coffee would be great.”

Nodding, she motioned towards the chairs Kim, and she had just vacated. “Have a seat, I’ll be right back.”

She made a quick exit to the kitchen, with Kim and Dean at her heels.

“Why is he here?” Kim whispered as she went directly to the fridge and started pulling the makings for Dean’s sandwich out.

Dean shook his head. “I don’t know. He said it was urgent that he talk to Brit, is all I know.”

Brit busied herself making two cups of coffee, hoping Kim wouldn’t ask her. She should have known better.

“Brit. Do you know what he wants?” she asked,

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