Page 55 of The Wraith King

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I came back to myself with a sudden surge, the whisper of magick still coursing through my blood and my mind, speeding my pulse. My wings started to flutter, a wild energy pouredthrough me to them. For the first time since I’d lost my wings, since these new ones had grown, I felt the urge to fly.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

“Una.” Goll, his voice gruff, reached forward to steady me, gripping my forearm. “Are you well?”

I swooned at the intensity of the vision. I’d never traveled into a dragon’s mind. I’d only been in small birds before. What had happened?

I gazed up at Drakmir, who simply stared back, rumbling a soft purr.

“I’m fine.”


“I’m fine. But perhaps I need some rest.”

Without another word, Goll led me back to the castle, up the dark stone stairwell, through his chamber and into my own. Goll whispered something to Meck, then followed me into my bedchamber.

Goll looked about the room, lingering on my open trunk where Hava had begun to unpack earlier. I’d managed to pull my oracle book out from the bottom and stash it under my bed when her back was turned.

“You have everything you need?”


“Then I will say goodnight.”

I watched as Goll left, the door clicking closed behind him. A pang of disappointment squeezed my chest. It wasn’t until his cloak started to slip from my shoulders that I realized I was still wearing it. My hand instinctively went out to the soft pelt, trailing fingers along the edge.

Drakmir’s magick lingered, a warm buzz beneath my skin as I turned to the arched window, which had been unboarded. The night sky was beginning to cloud over.

My emotions spun in a whirlwind as I tried to reconcile the King Goll whose army had battled and killed my people all the way to Issos to the man in my vision who’d saved an adolescent dragon from certain death. Who had also taken in a half-breed, considered an outcast, and had protected her, given her a high-ranking position in his home.

I realized with sudden and unwavering certainty that this was the true Goll, the compassionate one who hid behind a hard, brutal exterior. Or maybe that was simply what I chose to believe since there was no way out for me. Since this was my new home, no matter what I truly wanted.

I suppose time would tell who the real Goll was—the benevolent young wraith prince who’d saved me from certain death or the one who forced me to be his sex slave, the mother of his heir, without any regard to my own free will or desires.

I pulled the collar of his cloak to my face and inhaled deeply, savoring the wintry masculine scent I now knew as his.

“Tomorrow,” I whispered to myself. I’d worry about all of this tomorrow and relish this small moment of peace between myself and the wraith king.

Chapter 18


“What do you mean?Of course she’s the one.”

Dalya sat across from me in my study. Her dark brows pinched together. “It is hard to tell for certain.”

I scoffed impatiently. “She has the mark. Her black wings, Dalya. Surely, it is the sign of the female faeling in your vision.”

She dipped her head in agreement. “That is a sign, Sire. It is simply difficult to know for certain until the prophecy is actually fulfilled.”

“Then we won’t know until the Rite of Servium.” I tapped two clawed fingers on my wooden desk.

She clasped her slender hands in her lap. “Are you sure this is the right course, Sire?”

“I’m positive. After the ceremony, I’ll get an heir off Una, a high-born heir with the purest royal bloodlines of dark and light fae. Our union will solidify my right to reign over both kingdoms.”

Dalya grimaced then quickly smoothed her features. I wasn’t sure why this thought disturbed her. It could be because Iwas forcing a female to do my bidding, become my concubine, something my father would’ve done.

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